Feeling dull with the plain default Windows Mobile taskbar. Want to add some colours to it? Hehe… I started the search for colourful taskbar for Windows Mobile 6.5. And found Brain’s Taskbar WM6.5 ~ gfreek edition V6 for HTC HD2. It is designed for GSM and not compatible with CDMA. V6 is for HTC HD2 users, but should be compatible for any WVGA devices using WWE ROM’s so it should work on HTC Touch HD, HTC Touch Pro 2 and HTC Diamond 2.

Note: You will sometimes get Airplane icon appear when there is no signal present, this is normal, it’s not a bug it’s how the OS calls on this icon when no signal being received by the phone!
Download Brain’s Taskbar WM6.5 ~ gfreek edition V6 here.