What is the best Clash of Clans Town Hall 11 war / trophy base layout? Just look at the top players in CoC. Copy their bases will do, right? Yup, TH11 is the highest town hall level so far. Therefore, you can find all the popular TH11 trophy bases easily. Mine is taken from these top players as well. Most of them are kept intact as the base layout is really good. Of course, I did my own modifications as usual. And put all the traps and hidden tesla locations myself as I can’t see theirs. And yes, it still has unlurable clan castle troop design. However, this is not so important since poison spell came out. So others still can to use hog rider, balloon or lava hound to lure them out which I don’t care as long as giant can’t I am fine.

Grand Warden is pair with Archer Queen while Eagle Artillery matches with Barbarian King. Inferno towers are located between them besides town hall. And covered by 4 X-Bow that tilted down for longer range. If you notice, this base is anti hog rider / balloon as defenses are in circle. They will go round and round without entering the inner core. This type of base is good for farming as well. So far no one has taken out my town hall or clan castle. Therefore, resources are safe there. Of course, they can easily take out 2 out of 4 gold and elixir storages. And dark elixir storage as well (which I also don’t care as all the upgrades that requires dark elixir are done).
By the way, it is hard to get shield with this base at low trophy level. Yes, hardly hit 30% with all traps and heroes up. Not sure about higher trophy level as I am still farming now. Need to stay low low low…