Are you good at puzzles, problem solving or even code breaking? Yeah… RM100,000 in cold-hard-cash can be yours then. Hacking a piece of code is not an issue for you, right? Come on, it’s RM100,000 I am talking about right now!!! Just 3 codes that was encrypted using military grade AES256 encryption. And you can always ask help from friends and families. Share RM100,000 together after solved them. They are not that hard to crack anyway. See, 3 of them all starts with eyJHMDkw and so on…


Submit your answers on all 3 of the encrypted messages above to hackchallenge@yahoo.com latest by 17th Sept 2015 at 12.00pm. If you’ve gotten all the answers right, you’ll be able to claim your prize of RM100,000 cash!!!
Note – These codes were encrypted using AES256 encryption. You can learn more about it in this tutorial article here.
Rules & regulations:
- This challenge is open to all Malaysians and Singaporeans to participate.
- Participant must decipher ALL the 3 encrypted messages correctly to be considered as a winner.
- Participant will need to provide their email address and contact number upon submission.
- Participant will need to submit ALL answers latest by 17th Sept 2015 at 12.00pm. Any late
- submissions will not be entertained.
- Participant to email the answers to hackchallenge@yahoo.com.
- Organizers will only contact participants with the correct answers.
- Participants who successfully deciphered the messages will be requested to do a demonstration to the organizers on the way the messages were deciphered.