Download Free Windows Mobile Registry Editor

Windows Mobile 6.5 does not have registry editor built in. Therefore, I need to install registry editor myself. After searching around Google and xda-developers, I found a free Windows Mobile registry editor called ~ PHM Registry Editor. It is an old application but does it job well.

PHM Registry Editor

PHM Registry Editor is not a finger friendly application. The search for better free registry editor does not end here for me. I will continue to find a good one. Until then, PHM Registry Editor is on my HTC HD2. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Download PHM Registry Editor v0.70 here


  1. You know what, you are my source on Windows mobile along with other nice site. I love your article buddy. Keep up this good work.

  2. Thanks for sharing this to us i will try this at home now i know that all we have to do is Just follow above link to download the zip file.More power to your site! G-d bless ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. oddball question : in the winmo 6.5 registry under
    hklm\drivers\display\settings what is the name of the folder below ILCDC folder?

    I accidentally renamed it without seeing it happen and now want to rename it without having to hard reset!! any help would be GREATLY appreciated as there doesn’t seem to be a screenshot anywhere of this particular screen EEK!!


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