Samsung Galaxy S II is a wonderful mobile phone. But it does not bundle any microSDHC card along. And the build in 16GB storage is not enough to store all the applications, games, movies, songs… Therefore, I bought a 32GB SanDisk microSDHC Class 4 card online from Lowyat. How does 32GB SanDisk microSDHC Class 4 Card perform? Let’s find out…

Huh? Only 11 MB/s read and 5.3 MB/s write sequentially? It is only half of the reading speed of 8GB SanDisk microSDHC Class 2 Card that I have. The performance does not match to those in XDA forum. Random Write 4KB (QD=1) has 0.4 MB/s compare to 1.6 MB/s at XDA.
Hmm… Is the 32GB SanDisk microSDHC Class 4 Card that I have genuine? It was imported by Power Cellular Acc Supply Sdn Bhd in Malaysia. Or SanDisk cards quality is getting worst? Anyone can tell me?
jayce congrate’s for your galaxy s2
plz don’t stop updating new thing’s on hd2
There are not much new stuffs for HTC HD2 lately. Will post it if got and while my HD2 is still with me.
If you’re worried your SD card isn’t up to scratch, try SD Booster. It’s free and available in Market.
My video playback was stuttering and installing this solved the problem.
The SD card is working fine on the phone. No slowness on video playback. No issue when taking 1080p video. But it takes longer time to transfer files from phone to PC due to slow reading speed. u want to sell ur htc hd2? what is the price?
Nope, my daughter’s using it.
Yes, RM1000 or offer me.
Hello Jayce…I got a 32g from sandisk as well…do you know if there will be a 64g coming soon?…will it be compatible with our HD2’s? please keep the HD2 alive….thanks for your posts…I love your site…Jerome
How is your SD card read speed? Good?
32GB is the max size that HD2 can support.
Hello Jayce…thanks for your reply…my sd card is class 2…performs well with ACA Rom… I am reaching overclocked speeds of 1700…sandisk is very high quality in my opinion…have not have any problems…too bad the HD2 can only suppport up to 32g cause my apps are around 300 in android and dual booting with WP7…Jerome
Memory is extraordinarily small, but its capacity can be up to 32 G.
The bigger the memory, much can we save and capture
Have you tried the SDformatter?
This did solve my speed issues on a Sandisk 16GB class 4 micro SDHC.
All this is great but… How many kawaii girl pics can I save on my new 64gb micro SDHC?? Lots I guess. How about part of your site dedicated to this fine topic?