How to install ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) on Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500? Someone asked me just now. Well, current rooting methods for Galaxy S4 do not include CWM installation. Therefore, you need to install it manually. No worry, the CWM installation is like rooting Galaxy S4. In short, just use Odin software to install it. Not sure how to do so? Just read below steps by steps video guide to find out.
- Odin3
- ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM)
Note – ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) developed for Galaxy S4 I9500 is meant for I9500 model only. Don’t install on other Galaxy S4 model like I9505. If you need root access, please refer to this guide – How to root Galaxy S4 GT-I9500? (Video)
Step by Step Guide
- Bring up Settings.
- Go to More tab.
- Click on About device.
- Find out your Galaxy S4 Model number. Make sure that it’s GT-I9500.
- Then power off your phone.
- Press and hold Volume Down + Home + Power buttons at the same time.
- Press Volume Up button when warning prompt.
- Odin download mode will be loaded.
- Connect USB cable to your Galaxy S4.
- At PC, bring up Odin3.
- Click on PDA.
- Select the CWM for I9500 .tar.md5 file.
- Click Start then.
- Remove USB cable from Galaxy S4 when you see green RESET! then Removed!! at Odin3.
- After Android OS loaded, power off it.
- Press and hold Volume Up + Home + Power buttons at the same time.
- CWM should be loaded then.
- That’s all.
Enjoy the wonderful features of CWM on your Samsung Galaxy S4.
Download Odin3 v3.07 here.
Download CWM for Samsung Galaxy S4 here.
what about for gt-I9505?
Use this –
hi jayce …does the S4-I9505 need to be rooted before installing CWM? …im new to the android scene.
Should be no need. But I usually root it first before install CWM.
thanks for the quick reply. i’ll give it a go.
Dear Jayce,
If we install CWM on S4 GT 19500 after upgrading to the latest firmware. is it effect our phone. I just install CWM and the phone hang at boot. I dont no what to do, I do the factory reset and lost all my data and application. Please help me
No issue here. Which version did you install?
I’m using this philz_touch 5.06.0 -i9500.tar.md5
As i like the fancy toggle
so I try to install the CMW, suddenly the thing happend
I am using this version as well. Did you root your Galaxy S4?
Do I need to Root to install the CWM?
No idea. I usually root before install CWM.
Can we use this file for the cwm on the 19505 samsung galaxy s4??????
No, josh. There is I9505 version in XDA Forum. Use that.
How do I Unroot it? GT-I9500 OS 4.3
Hi Jorge, try to install stock firmware see.
Just want to confirm some postulates: while rooting and installing custom ROM in GT-I9500:
1. We need to do CF-Root first
2. We need to do CWM
3. and then from CWM we can mount Custom ROM
is this procedure okay?
Yes Kamran.
Sir, I have a problem. I still need \
Enter CS for MD5..
Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
Please wait..
CF-Auto-Root-jflte-jfltexx-gti9505.tar.md5 is valid.
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
Leave CS..
Odin v.3 engine (ID:3)..
File analysis..
Get PIT for mapping..
There is no PIT partition.
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 1)
Hi Mark, what are you trying to do?