Every Android device has recovery mode. Same apply to Google Nexus 4. As usual, stock recovery does not have much feature compare to custom one like ClockworkMod Recovery or TWRP. But you still get some useful functions like reboot system now, apply update from ADB, wipe data/factory reset and wipe cache partition. Recovery mode should be easy to load after boot into LG Nexus 4 Fastboot, right? Yes, but the stock Android system recovery <3e> can’t seem to be loaded after select Recovery mode from Fastboot, it just have an Android with No command lying there. Well, you are almost there…

How to load Google Nexus 4 Recovery Mode?
- Boot into Nexus 4 Fastboot.
- Go to Recovery mode with Volume buttons (Up or Down).
- Then select it with Power button.
- Android with No command will be loaded.
- Press and hold Power button then press Volume Up.
- Android system recovery should be loaded then.
- That’s all.
Hi, Jayce..
I newbe..
I want ask you how to create or Install Image ROM with 4ext Recovery NativeSD?
Thanks for support
Hi arianto, which smartphone ROM are you taking about here?
Ow i’m Forgat to inform you…sorry
My Device is HTC HD2 T-Mobile.
Please ask at the correct article next time. Thanks.
You can study all my HTC HD2 guides at https://www.jayceooi.com/tag/htc-hd2/
i cant get to the recovery menu on my nexus 4. do u know how fix it?
Any error message?
i have tried to enter the recovery mode as you said from the no command android on its back. i press the power button then the volume up button. nothing happens.
any other ideas – thanks so much for your time.
Press and hold Power button then press Volume Up.
I do that and nothing happens, I’ve tried several times, any other suggestion?
Do you have root access on your Nexus 4?
You are most welcome, kami.
Thank you so much! I couldn’t have done it without you!!
hi i made mistake and delet my pictures how can i get it back in nexus 4?
If you have root access, you can try to use undelete program from Play Store. But no guarantee.
But what is the root acces?
faran, just like jailbreak in iOS.
Found a nexus 4 phone screen is locked and its not allowing me to do a factory reset. When I hold down power and volume it brings me to the options pod power down, Start reboot. However when attempting to pick an option it won’t accept it gos back to black screen…help
Sorry Kellie, I have no idea in this case.
You can get a phone call from Google support – I had to do this to fix my phone: https://support.google.com/nexus/contact/c2c_hardware_tech_support?rd=1