How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S III? There are several ways to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S3 no matter official or custom firmware in tar (or .tar.md5) format. Personally, I still prefer to install Samsung Galaxy S3 firmware with Odin. No need to wait for official firmware release through OTA and Samsung Kies. I can install leaked Samsung Galaxy S3 firmware with Odin. Or try out other region firmware.
- Odin3
- Firmware
Note – You should not face any issue when upgrading to newer official firmware. Your applications and data will be intact. However, you will need to factory reset when you downgrade firmware to older version because you might face boot loop issue. Therefore, make sure you make a backup before install new firmware.
Step by Step Guide
- Go to Settings.
- Select About device.
- Find out your Build number version.
- Then power off Samsung Galaxy S3.
- Press and hold down Volume Down + Home + Power buttons at the same time.
- Press Volume Up button when warning prompt.
- Odin download mode will be loaded.
- Connect USB cable to your phone.
- At PC, extract firmware .tar (or .tar.md5) file that you downloaded to Firmware folder.
- Then bring up Odin3.
- Click on PDA.
- Select the .tar (or .tar.md5) at Firmware folder.
- Click Start then.
- Remove USB cable from your phone when you see green PASS! at Odin3.
- That’s all and enjoys new firmware.
Download Odin3 v3.04 here.
Download official Samsung Galaxy S3 firmware here.
how did u get the tar update file? under kies the kies dont have any update for my phone..
From XDA website.
-At PC, extract firmware .tar (or .tar.md5) file that you downloaded to Firmware folder.
which firmware i should download ?? i really not understand
this is 1st time to use android ~
Hi simix, please take your time to study all my SGS3 guides. You will know the answers then.
Is it possible to download apps for free after this? Or how can i do that?
This have nothing to do with download free apps from Google Play Store.
Will installing new firmware unlock my phone, (its currently locked to O2), or do I need to do that as well??
No but you can try this.
Thanks, that worked perfectly….
found update on kies for my new samsung galaxy s3 but after download and at step of installing mob. dose not accept and stuck on the screen of downloading with out showing that blue bar
and by using odin v3 it give message fail 2 times even after removing batteries and returned back
I’m a bit confuse for step no 3 “Find out your Build number version”, because i tried to find the same Build Version in Check Fus Downloader but unable to find any similar . Can I take Singapore Version if im from Malaysia…?
No, you need to use back your original firmware. Get it from XDA website. The one with XME.
After I install firmware from Check Fus Downloader, my current S3 Spec is :-
Baseband Version
Kernel Version
se.infra@SEP-106 #1
SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 5 10:09:44 KST 2012
Build Number
Do I need to redo again or I already get the Original S3 Firmware ?
Because I afraid my warranty will be void coz just bought this HP week a go ….
Seek assistance from you.
Please refer to this guides. Make sure that you have XME CSC.
Waaa…meaning mine still not the original firmware yet isn’t it ? I feel like crying now…
Were there any problems will occur if i don’t change the firmware or any problem cannot be solved without sending to Samsung Center because only they can solve the issue ?
Not sure. I can’t see your CSC from here.
From what I heard, Samsung Malaysia still provide warranty for rooted phone.
Hi Mr.Jayce,
Really appreciate you feedback .
Is there a way to check my current CSC ?
I already download 1 File from XDA website ( refer files name below ), were that is the correct Samsung Original Firmware ? If yes I will follow all the 48 steps in below website to get back my Original Firmware.
Use Samsung Kies to check. If CSC == XME, no need to reflash again. Most of the time, SEA region countries use the same firmware.
Noted. I will check if current CSC already XME or not.
May I know, if i still need to restock firmware, under step ” No 22 -ClockworkMod Recovery will be loaded then.” , were that mean i need to have CWM Apps or that process will appear just follow all the steps.
Sorry coz troublesome you so much.
Actually, you don’t need to restore back to stock firmware and clear all custom binary download counter if you are not going to send it back for warranty claim.
Note – warranty still void if custom binary download counter is not clear.
Hi Jayce,
I already checked my CSC using S Kies…Thank god my firmware is XME
PDA : LG1 / PHONE : LF3 / CSC : LF1 (XME )……
Now what should I do to clear all custom binary download counter ?
Currently yes I have no issue to go to Samsung to claim anything, but I afraid might be in future i do need and by that time I unable to clear all those thing.
Really appreciate you assist how to clear the counter.
Thanks a lot.
You need to root it again. Then use Triangle Away to clear it.
Hello Jayce,
I recently got a 32gb S3 Phone. Upon bootup, before the samsung animation, a “YES” Optus logo appeared. So I got the impression that the phone was under Optus (Australia). It works with my local sim so yes, I guess it’s already factory unlocked. Its also preloaded with OPTUS apps in w/c is useless since I live in the Philippines.
I Verified it thru kies and it showed:
Is it possible to replace (flash) it’s kernel AND/OR firmware into an UNBRANDED version? If it is, what firmware/kernel version do you recommend (unbranded) and what are the possible risks aside from voiding my warranty (which is actually just fine for me).
Thanks in advance
Hi Dom, I have no much info about Optus SGS3. It should be able to install I9300 firmware if Optus SGS3 also I9300 model.
Try to consult others with Optus SGS3 at XDA website to double confirm.
Thanx for the immediate reply Jayce
Anyu, yes I’ve verified it that it’s
an official i9300. It’s baseband, XXALF2 is even at sammobile. So as long
as I have a backup of my current firmware, is it worth a try to flash an
unbranded carrier? And by doing this, it’ll remove the carrier’s bootscreen
logo and it’s pre installed apps right?
Can’t confirm it since I don’t have Optus SGS3 to try…
Where or how to get back the original video and music?
Hi Glaven, try to consult Samsung Support. Or Google for them. Mine was gone too.
Hai, the official SGS3 is for all? Below is my phone detail…..
Build Number
Hi Hazim, what do you want?
im quite confuse, is it the official android 4.1 jb is for all sgs3 without care the build number? i just download the firmware from the link…
As long as yours SGS3 is I9300 model, it is fine.
is it when i upgrade ti JB, they will delete everything inside my phone?
No, unless problem occurs.
Hi Jayce,
Was wondering does the Poland XXDLIB Firmware have the latest USSD issue?
And thanks a bunch on your tutorial, i updated to JB with no problems at all. Thanks!
No Terry.
Okay thank you so much! (Y)
Hey Jayce,
I have purchased my SGS3 from Pakistan, its not rooted nor i have tried it. Can I still upgrade it to JB with the firmware and ODIN as described by you on this page? Details of my device as under
Model # GT-I9300
Baseband Version I9300XXLFB
Build # ——.I930XXBLFB.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, should be okay.
Thanks, gonna give it a try.
Hey Jaycee,
I have upgraded the firmware to JB via ODIN process as explained by you, but the Device Status is showing as Normal instead of Modified.
1: My question is is it normal to have such status after you have modified.
2: Can i reverse it back to stock firmware if yes how?
3: Kies does allow now to upgrade it. Is this normal too?
Would appreciate if detailed answers are provided or if you have already written on this pls. provide the links.
Thanks and regards,
1. Yes, official firmware will have normal status.
2. Yes. Factory reset in recovery mode. Then install stock firmware with Odin.
3. Yes.
Dear Jayce,
After installing firmware through ODIN and rooting via Odin3-v3.04 and CF-Root-SGS3-v6.4, following are the messages i receive while installing apps and opening CWM.
“App cannot be installed, free up some space and try again”
“This version of CWM Manager should be used wit CF-CWM v1.1 or newer, it appears you are running different recovery. Various features have been disabled.”
Pls. tell me what I have done wrong. And a remedy will be highly appreciated.
Hi Aamer, boot into CWM. Don’t use CWM Manager.
Dear Jayce,
I am new on Android pls. guide me how to boot into CWM.
Dear Jayce,
Polaris Office is not working with Jellybean. Please help me…
Hi Rohan, I wish that I can help but I have no idea too. Please consult Samsung Support.
Thank you very much for your quick reply…
Hi Jayce,
I downgraded my phone from Jellybean to ICS. I forgot to do factory reset on my phone prior to downgrading it. My S3 is now stuck in a boot loop. Please help!!
Hi asher, boot into recovery. Then factory reset there.
Thanks… it worked!!
hi jayce
can i install ori fimware on imitation s3 android using method above…?
my firm ware now is costume build 1346760007
No, this firmware is for I9300 only.
wich mean i can’t upgrade my firmware in clone s3 and can’t get full function as the ori I9300…
Hello Jayce,
I have Samsung Galaxy S3 (US) CDMA service.
I try to unlock, first I try to Root with following website
and my phone took first .tar file and did not
reboot. I try with other .tar file to re root but now phone does not start. It just show samsung logo and blank (black) screen.
Can you help to reset original setting and suggest me to how to unlock.
Thank you.
Also screen reads
Hi NEN, you can’t use I9300 stuff on your US SGS3 model. Try to consult others at XDA Forum as I don’t have this model.
Hi jayce:
After i install jelly bean firmware via odin..can i recieve any update via kies or not? Tq
Yes for official firmware.
Hi, I’m not getting the official JB update, I think it may be because my CSC code does not match my firmware.
When I run *#1234#
it gives
but my CSC code shown in KIES says MWD.
I’ve tried CSC selector but it doesn’t show the BTU CSC code.
Is it possible to update the CSC codes so I can get official UK JB update?
You can try to change CSC.
Hi thanks, when I do that the UK ones aren’t listed. I guess I’m out of look.
will this firmwire for the galaxy s3 unlock my phone, my phone is lock on a romanian carier Orange, if i install this firmwire, will it unlock the phone?
What firmware?
To unlock, try this –
when i try to load os to my mobile it says incorrect parameter and start
I bought my phone in UAE. Then i updated my software to jellybean. Then after that i can’t send msgs and some of my friends texts are delayed for hours. My phone keeps on lagging. I tried to remove the battery, sd card and placed it all but it’s still the same. Do i have to downgrade back to ICS? My phone is from UAE.
Hi Aubey, try factory reset first.
How will i do that?
I’m clicking the delete all button but nothing’s happening
Try other methods then.
is there a difference between odin v1.85 and odin v3.04 when updating galaxy s3? i’m just curious about it.tnx
I don’t have the detail. But saw some people still using Odin v1.85 on SGS3 and still working.
Hi I try installing the firmware on my S3 in keeps on failling I tried downling diff firmwares it still the same thing I tried this using odin I’m quite frustrated
Hi femi, are you using the correct firmware for your SGS3?
jayce,what if the odin show “fail” can i unplug it and turn off my device?
Yes, since it failed already.
Hey Jayce.
Great website, info and tutorials!

Quick question…what music was used in the above “How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S3” video?
I think it is really nice/good.
I have followed all of your instructions for using Odin to upgrade firmware. Started Odin and see a small slice of green in the progress bar. Has not moved in a long time. How long should it take to upgrade the firm ware?
Less than 30 minutes.
it has been much longer than that.
The message section says:
I9300XXELL4_I9300OJKELK9_I9300JKELK4_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
Leave CS..
Odin v.3 engine (ID:6)..
File analysis..
Get PIT for mapping..
Firmware update start..
what should I do?
One other point, in the past I had rooted the phone and later unrooted it.
I am using Odin 3 v1.85
Is XXELL4 your stock firmware? If no, install stock firmware back.
can i flash my s3 using the current version of jelly bean
my s3 is on the 4.2.1 version !! can i flash my s3 using odin and a 4.2.1 version
Yes. Factory reset in recovery might needed first.
hi jayce… can i update 4.2.1 to official 4.1.2 jeally bean xxelk4 through odin??
Yes Waleed. But you need to factory reset in recovery first.
sir.. my galaxy s3 is from qatar. What would be firmware i could use to reflash s3? reply please.
Hi Nadeem, is your SGS3 model I9300? If yes, you can install any region I9300 firmware.
Eu tenho um S3 e está fui colocar o firmware so que deu fail e dai ta dando um erro!!!
Atualização de firmware encontrou um problema!
product name: GT-I9300
Custom binar download: yes ( 1 counts )
current binary: samsung official
system status: Custom
por favor meu celular nem liga mais e fica aparecendo assim
firmware upgrade encountered an issue. please select recovery mode in kies & try again
Hi Letícia, try to install back your stock firmware.
Hi jayce…
I guess I make a mistake for not doing a factory reset when I do a firmware downgrade…
Now my phone one show the Samsung logo screen and stuck there..
Anyway I can get my phone back to service ?
Hi Kai, just boot into recovery and factory reset.
I could not install it. Does it work with US region!
Hi Sam, you need to install US firmware.
Hi Jayce
I currently have
Model Number
Android Ver
Baseband Ver
Build Number
i want to upgrade to I9300XXELLB_I9300OJVELL3_I9300XXELLA_HOME.tar.Md5 i live in South Africa just want confirmation this is the correct FW ver please
Hi Steven, correct firmware version for what?
Hello, Jayce.
I have a bit of a problem:
I installed Samsung Kies and followed your instructions in your video on downloading and extracting Odin. However, when I got to actually starting Odin, the little blue bar that appears just before the download starts did not appear. Did I miss a step?
Hi Xy, which step are you at? I don’t understand.
I’m at the part where you’re looking at the Odin screen before you press Start. In your video it shows a little blue bar under the area where it says “ID:COM”. For me, that didn’t happen.
Hmm… Did you load Odin download mode on your phone?
As in… shutting the phone off and pressing the power, home, and volume down button all at the same time? I did that, yes, and it was plugged into my computer as well. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling Samsung Kies, but I only came back with the same result.
Yup, that’s the one. Computer should detect it and install driver when plugged in.
Try on other USB port or PC see. Change USB cable if needed.
Hi jayce,
I deleted my IMEI on S3 and the EFS pack.
How can i out it back on?
Hi Hunte, did you backup it on other place?
Sorry Hunte, I have no idea in this case.
Trying to upgrade gs3 to latest official 4.3 uk version, while my samsung belongs to India. Should I leave out the CP part in the odin, so as to avoid problems with my local wi-fi connection. Please advise.
Not sure. But I install everything usually.
Yes, I installed all components. Did not find any conflict with my wi-fi. Everything else also seems to be okay.
Thank you for the prompt reply Jayce.
What is the difference between stock firmware vs. stock rom? I am attempting to unroot my i535 (version 4.1.2, baseband versioni535vrbmf1)
A link directly to the stock rom would be excellent.
Firmware == ROM. Just different word.
Firmware link in the post.
Thanks a lot Jayce, your instructions helped.
Hi sir ive tried to root my s3 using KINGO ROOT,after 4 hours the application said that my unit was rooted but when i open it i didn’t see the SUPERUSER apps,then when i check my setting option the DEVELOPERS OPTION lost?ADB too,i try to reboot my unit using the method of turnoff then holding volume up,home,switch same time after than i notice chinese character in my unit,what i want to know,what will i do to bring back the abd Option at DEVELOPERS OPTION is theres a way to hard reset my unit to bring the original system? Hope you have answer in my problem thanks
When i use the method of TUNROFF the unit,hold volumeup,switch at power button same time i so chinese character CWM-based recovery v6.0.4.5 xiaolu (201301124) failed to open/system/build.prop! ..once i open my s3 it always stock on samsung galaxys3 gt-I9300 ..what should i do?
Hi Garydulfo, you can try factory reset at recovery. Then install stock firmware back.
hi guys how can i download this firmware on my pc
Use browser download manager.
Hi everyone, I have tried this method, but mine says “failed, there is no PIT partition”, what do I do, what am I doing wrong here?? Any help would be nice.
Hi Ed, try another firmware.
Thanks for the reply. My phone says built in China so I have tried two different China firmwares but both times it said “failed, no PIT partition”, so what firmware do you exactly recommend? Also I just want to say I cant access recovery mood because the phone gets stuck on the samsung logo when you try to turn it on or access recovery mood. Any advise will much appreciated. Thanks
Sorry Ed, I have no idea on China model. Try to consult others at XDA Forum.
Hey. How would you fix this problem on other models…like say any other country model if it wasnt chinese model. What would you do…just try different firmwares?? Can you use firmware from any country to put on your phone…or not.
Also how do you fix such a problem that when you turn the phone on it is just stuck on the samsung logo. Lets just ignore the fact that it is a chinese model.
Sorry if iam asking too much its because im not very pro at these things and i dont what xda forum is :/
Install another firmware should fix on international model. Yes, you can install any other country firmware as long as the model is the same.
Normally, I factory reset then install a new firmware if I face this kind of issue.
hye jayce,
i’ve update my sgs3 to jelly bean 4.3 from 4.0.4. the only problem i have is mobile network. my emei is correct, got signal, network detect , but it says the selected network unavailable, n not registered on network. i’ve downgrade to 4.1.2, my emei turn to 0049xxxxxx. reflash 4.3, everything back to the same state i’ve appointed. any suggestion or solution?
Sorry mag, I have no idea. Try to consult others at XDA Forum.
orait, thx
hi i install chain fire 3d on my galaxy s3mini after installing i select install(driver,…) and it turned off and stuck on samsung logo.plz help dosnt work. with samsung tolkit i flash recovery cwm. i dont know what should i do
Hi sara, restore to your previous CWM backup. If don’t have, you need to reinstall a new firmware.
does this cf3d work on samsung galaxy ace duos
I don’t think so. But you can try this one.
how to make download in firmware
Sorry, I don’t get you. What is your question?
Sir please help me , im installing a custom rom but the install bar is not moving , i waited for 5 hours and its still on the same spot, please help me sir
Im kinda frustrated right now and dont know what to do. I see videos that install custom roms and they install it fast , why mine is not installing fast, it doesnt even move at all
please help me ASAP

Hi Laurence, please consult ROM owner. He knows better. Else try other ROM.
i tried to install s3 firmware. failed due to no pit partition. again do with a pit file but isuue is still their..! now what will i do.? pls help me
What issue?
how do i re-install galaxy grand neo plus if the upgrading error stops it from booting?
Boot into Odin Download mode. Then install new firmware.
please give me step by step.
All the guides are given step by step. Please take your time to study them.
please explain this step At PC, extract firmware .tar (or .tar.md5) file that you downloaded to Firmware folder.
It is exactly what it said. You can refer to video too.
Hi Jayce, can S3 use other android aside 4.3 Jelly Bean?
Yes, Zul. As long as the firmware / ROM is designed for S3. You can use it.
Alright, that’s helping Jayce. Can you help me for another one please? Could you please send me a trusted link for me to download he firmware for S3? I don’t want to use 4.3 Jelly Bean. I want to upgrade. Help me please.
Try SamMobile.
Thanks Jayce
You are most welcome, Zul.
what should i do if the progress is fail???
Try another firmware see
my s3 is just displaying logo on start up.
I don’t know the problem. Any suggestion what to do with it?
Hi akosimute, may I know what had you done until faced this issue?
stuck on param.ifs, been waiting for a while. why is that? i use ur odin and latest odin still stuck.