Samsung Galaxy S II had a poor battery life. Yes, Samsung Galaxy S2 battery life is bad if you don’t change anything and leave it as stock settings. But no worry, there is lot of tweaks and hacks to increase Samsung Galaxy S2 battery life. How to improve Samsung Galaxy S2 battery life? In short, disable those stuffs that you don’t use.

How to increase Samsung Galaxy S2 battery life?
Reduce display brightness
Samsung Galaxy S2 Super AMOLED Plus is the biggest battery life eater of all. By disable Automatic brightness and set it to the lowest level will improve battery life a lot.
Remove unused widget
The more widget you have, the more battery life will be eaten especially those widgets that use data connection and auto sync based on schedule. Therefore, only keep those widgets that you really need.
Poor signal decrease battery life
Phone will use more power to increase signal strength. Always make sure that your phone has a good signal reception. Switch to 2G if 3G connection signal is poor at your area.
Turn off 3G data connection, use Wi-Fi
Always gets connected with Wi-Fi when available. 3G data connection eats more battery compare to Wi-Fi connection. Turn off both of them when not needed.
Disable / reduce auto-sync
Data connection eats battery life. Disable or reduce background scheduled auto-sync applications like Gmail, Twitter. And reduce the frequency of auto-sync will also help to improve battery life too.
Turn off Bluetooth, GPS
If you don’t use Bluetooth or GPS, turn them off. Only turn on them when needed.
Turn off motion sensor
If you don’t use Samsung Galaxy S2 Motion features like turn over, tilt, panning and double tap, turn them off. Or just enable those you are using only.
Turn off new Samsung Apps notification
For those who don’t use Samsung applications like me, you can turn off new Samsung Apps notification. (Settings – Application – Samsung Apps – Off).
Use solid black static wallpaper
Samsung Galaxy S2 Super AMOLED Plus uses less power on solid black wallpaper because (almost) no backlight is output. And try not to use beautiful live wallpaper. Why? Lovely animation costs you ~ CPU power == battery life.
Fully close application that not use
SGS2 is a great multitasking machine. But by letting lot of applications running at background actually increase battery usage because they still require CPU processing. So fully close those applications that not needed.
Undervolt and underclock CPU
Besides display, SGS2 CPU is the second biggest battery life eater. If you don’t need 1.2GHz processing power, underclock and undervolt it with SetCPU for Root Users.
Freeze unused bundle applications
You can freeze Samsung bundle software like Social Hub, Email, Maps if you don’t need them with Bloat Freezer or Titanium Backup Pro. Why? They are running as service even you are not using them at all.
Use latest leaked official firmware
Android OS is using too much battery? It’s time for you to upgrade to latest leaked official firmware. Latest firmware fixed bugs and improve performance. I am using XXKG5 firmware now and battery life is better than stock XWKF1 firmware. ~ How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2 with Odin?
Use custom firmware
Custom firmware has lot of optimizations, tweaks to improve performance, battery life and user experience. Do try it if you can. ~ Top Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread Firmware for Samsung Galaxy S2
Any other tips and tweaks to improve battery life that I missed out? Let me know…