Wow… Luckily, Malaysia does not have any carrier branded mobile phone. Else my Samsung Galaxy S II might have carrier branded firmware. No worry for those who has it, XDA Developer, Intratech has a long list of official carrier branded Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware and stock kernel for you. These carrier branded Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware are useful when you want to restore back to them after installed custom firmware.
3G, A1, Bouygues, Cellcom, CLARO, EntelPCS, E-Plus, KPN, Meteor, Mobitel, Movistar, NTT DoCoMo, O2, Omnitel, Optus, Orange, Pelephone, Plus, Safaricom, Simobil, Swisscom, SFR, T-MOBILE, TIMTelefonica, Telefonica, Virgin, VIVO, VIPNet, Vodafone and WIND are the carriers which has carrier branded Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware and can be downloaded at XDA Forum. Follow this guide to upgrade to latest firmware – How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2 with Odin? (Video)
Download official carrier branded Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware and stock kernel here.
hello jayce i can’t see xwkf 1 where i can download thanks
XXKF1 is not a carrier branded firmware. It is at another post –
Hi Jayce,
Any chance you could re-upload or point me to a mirror for the BUKJ3 Firmware (nfo: PDA:BUKJ3| PHONE:BUKI1| CSC:SFRKI3 & BUKJ3 Stock Kernel files, as Multiupload is no longer available?
Sorry Ben, I don’t have the firmware.
Please i need the original ROM for JPKH8 samsung galaxy S2
hi Jayce good day, im using XXkI4 2.3.5 where can i find the right version for this… thanks a lot more power
Sorry Euds, what are you trying to find? I don’t get you.
sorry about that, i already updated my sgs2 to 2.3.5 with XXKI4, im trying to download XWKK2 (its the latest version right?) from multiupload but seems server is having problems,
XWKK2 is not the latest firmware. There is ICS firmware now.
hi jayce sorry for the delay, already updated my s2, thanks for the help,… more power
Hi Jayce,
Does Singtel, M1 or Starhub also do not have any carrier branded mobile phone as Malaysia did? I like to upgrade my S2 and its origin baseband is I9100DXKL1.
Hi Simon, you can use Check Fus Downloader to find out.
Hi Jayce,
Thanks for the reply. I ran it and there are fields that I have to fill in? Cause I’m not too sure what info need to input.. For example “product code, PDA, CSC & phone”.. Inside my S2 “about phone, there are version, baseband, kernel & build number. Are they assoiciated with the product code & etc? Please advise, thank you.
Choose a firmware – Android.
Then model – GT-I9100.
Finally, Singapore.
I saw general Singapore and Singtel firmware.
Hi Jayce,
Pls ignore my previous mail. I found the way to extract the phone’s info. thanks.
Hi Jayce,
Yap, got the info but how do I know if singtel does have carrier branded mobile phone?
When I pressed “download” on the app, it states “”. May I know what is “.enc2” for?
Please advise, thanks.
I am also not sure. You need to consult Singtel directly. Not sure about .enc2 too. But downloaded file should be in zip format.
Don think singtel will release this info though.. Thanks. 8)
Hi Jayce,
This is the info I got from the downloader; Product Code: GT-I9100LKASIN
Latest firmware: I9100DXLPB/I9100OLBLPA/I9100DXLPA/I9100DXLPB
Modified: 6/13/2012 6:33:46 PM
Is there any singtel’s carrier branded item?
Hi Jayce,
I’ve samsung galaxy s2 with gingerbread version and i’ve upgrade to version 4.0.3 (which is ICS).
I need help to revert back to the original version but i’m not sure which version of firmware to be used (I’m from MY, KL).
Please advise on the correct firmware.
Hi Chris, you can try MY firmware in the video.
Hi Jayce,
thanks for the link.
btw, i saw the XWKL1 (andriod 2.3.6 with based on official package), so i need to download 2 links there (sorry for asking stupid question)?
Firmware will do. Kernel no need.
By the way, your SGS2 is I9100 or I9100G?
i believe is I9100G for malaysia model.
any diff. or any impact?
please advice.
Oh, then you can’t use I9100 firmware. You need to get I9100G firmware. You can get it from SamMobile. Installation process is the same.
thanks for the heads up.
can you provide me the link for SamMobile for I9100G?
Hy i have “at&t SGH-i997” samsung s2. i want to install android 4.0.4 or like these…. when i manually try its 2.3.6 latest.. how to custum install other version please guide me… where to download firmware file n how to use odin3 v1.85
Hi Anup, please get more info at XDA Forum. I don’t have this model. Sorry…
I am facing a unique problem. From yesterday my phone is automatically having the CAR MODE activated and in parallel even if i disable it, On receiving any call or after a period of time automatically it gets enabled. More over the loud speaker mode gets engaged when i receive calls and its shame for me at many places. (am disabling loud speaker for every incoming call). I have samsung galaxy s2 GT-I9100, Android version 4.1.2. When put in charging this problem disappears. Shown to technicians but they are not able to help. This problem started after I downloaded one android file manager. Not sure whether its a hardware or software problem. Now you are only my hope to guide on this.
I am facing a unique problem. From yesterday my phone is automatically having the CAR MODE activated and in parallel even if i disable it, On receiving any call or after a period of time automatically it gets enabled. More over the loud speaker mode gets engaged when i receive calls and its shame for me at many places. (am disabling loud speaker for every incoming call). I have samsung galaxy s2 GT-I9100, Android version 4.1.2. When put in charging this problem disappears. Shown to technicians but they are not able to help. This problem started after I downloaded one android file manager. Not sure whether its a hardware or software problem. Now you are only my hope to guide on this.
Try factory data reset see.