Can’t wait for official Samsung Galaxy S II firmware release from Samsung KIES? Or keep getting no update from your phone Software update? If you are a risk taker and wish to stay ahead of other people, you can always download latest official Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware and install on your SGS2. Most of the leaked official firmwares are for other region and not available on your region. But that does not stop those risk takers to try them out. How about you? Willing to take the risk and install the latest and greatest firmware on your Samsung Galaxy S2?
XWKDD, XWKE1, XWKE2, UHKE2, XWKE8, XWKE7, UHKE4, XXKE4, ZSKF1, XWKF1, XWKF3, ZSKF4, XXKF2, JPKF3, DCKF4, JPKG2, XWKG1, ZSKG2, XXKG2, XXKG5, UHKG7, JPKG5, DXKG4, JPKH1, DCKH2, DXKH2, DXKI2, XWKI4, XXKI3, CEKI2, ZSKI3, XXKI4, XWKI8, XWKJ1, JPKJ2, XWKJ2, XWKJ3, XWKK2, XWKL1, DXKL3, XILA2, XWLA4, XILA3, UHLB2, UHLPE, XXLPQ, ZSLPE, DXLP7, XWLP2, XXLPS, XWLP4, XWLP7, ZSLPG, DXLP9, XXLPW, XWLPD and XWLPF are the current official Samsung Galaxy S2 firmwares available to download at XDA Forum. Seriously, do we really need so much firmware releases? (I am coming from HTC HD2 which has much much lesser ROM upgrade) Maybe this is the spirit of Android platform ~ open source and always gets updated to the best. So far, we have Android 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 Gingerbread official firmware for Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich official firmware should come in Q2/Q3 2012.
Follow this guide to upgrade to latest firmware – How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2 with Odin? (Video)
Download official Samsung Galaxy S2 firmware and stock kernel here.
Hii Jayce..rm900 for ur HTC HD2
i need to know how to restore stock to my gingercrust galaxy ace, it used to b 2.3.3 but now its2.3.7 from england my baseband is xwkp8 the closest fw you have isxwks2 or can i use any 2.3.3 fw please help i dont know where to put files in odin to restore and their is no info at all for my phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi there.
my firmware is xwkf1. cn i upgrade to xxkg5? need help~ dunno wht is the rite one
Sure, I upgraded mine from KF1 to KG5. Just refer to my video step by step guide.
which xxkg5 link to use? inside your official firmware link it got 2 links….one is 5mb the other one is 260mb++
Bigger one is the firmware. Small one is kernel only.
Which Custom ROM IS suitable or can be used for baseband versiuon = I9100XXKDI and kernel version = -I9100ZSK11-CL179102 root@avad-server #11
Sorry, no idea. Which country is your Samsung Galaxy S2?
Samsung galaxy s2 I9100 i want update country is India
where can i download & how to update
You should be able to install any firmware you like if yours is factory unlocked. Installation guide is in the post.
I have purchased from India then is it unlocked, how to know is it unlock or not?
So, i can install any firmware?
Thanks for ur reply!!!!
Lock == tide to 1 carrier, eg ~ T-Mobile. Unlock == you can use any carrier SIM card on it.
i need to know which version to upgrade to which shud have arabic language…kindly advise.
my current is kernel
Hi, Fahd,
I just got the same S2, and I have the same firm ware, did you succeeded in upgrading for the Arabic language?
please me know.
I found lots of ararbic firmware but the are not XWKF3-CL….
Well currently m using KG5 but no full arabic support but i used exynos V5 and installed arabic keyboard and it worked fine but not advisable coz of warranty will be void…
JPKI1 have arabic language
i have sgs2 with 2.3.3 TGY.
what rom i have to update ? (2.3.4)
I am using XXKG5 now. You can try it if you want.
what you meen to try. its safty ? and if so ,can i get link to download
i download from:
its OXA Poland, i hope its ok.
can i ask …why is my phone can`t get to download mode…many time i try.. but not get it
by the way im from israel
I am in Australia and purchased my phone from an online retailer – pretty sure it is a hong kong version.
in About, I have a
Android Version 2.3.3
Baseband version I9100XXKG1.
i want to upgrade to Android 2.3.4 to see if it fixes my poor battery performance, as I have read it can have an effect. However, I have no idea whatsoever which i should flash firmware too, or whether that matters or not. i am a complete noob to the android platform….
any guidance would be appreciated!
Follow this guide to upgrade to latest firmware – How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S2 with Odin? (Video)
Do I need to flash firmware before updating gingerbread version. i have read so much i am waaay confused!
Flashing correct firmware will upgrade your phone OS to Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread. 1 task only…
I have the exact same problem up till the noob part =p ..i dont know why i am happy for awhile haha. i’ve posted a question too on ‘How to improve Samsung Galaxy S2 battery life?’ before reading your comment. if you somehow find an answer to this problem, please do let me know.. thanks mate
how i backup my current version in my gs2 befor i update to 2.3.4 ? (for rollbackup if nessecry)
i installtes it now i have yello trinagal when booting. its ok ?
thak you very much.
i update to xxkg5, all good.
Yes, remove it if you want –
kies message “cant update thie firmware” ….. in the and of line TGY.
i update to oxakg5.
Please restore to your original firmware in order to use Samsung KIES update firmware function.
No risk by downgrade?
restore back to tgy twain ?
My current firmware no chinese language support (XWKF1), may i know which firmware is support? TQ
Look for HK build or install Google Pingyin IME –谷歌拼音输入法-for-android/
TQ, which firmware can support chinese language ( can change the english menu to chinese menu) ?
Look for Hong Kong firmware. But I did not try them yet.
Hi Jayce
I have installed XXKG5 without any issues. Everything runs well except the Kies Air. Everytime I want to access it from the website, it crashed the phone.
Error message on the phone:
The application Kies air (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
Do you know how to resolve this?
Sorry, no idea.
Do we need to upgrade the current SG2 XWKF1?
If i want to upgrade it to ver.2.3.4, which version of firmware i need to use?
No, unless you want to. I am using XXKG5 (2.3.4). You can try it if you want.
I found there are so many versions on samfirmware. Which one you can recommend?
Is it ok go with the latest and it has European and Asian? Quite confusing. Please advise.
Appreciate your kind assistance.
I tested KG5 only. Don’t know other firmware okay or not. You need to try them yourself. Personally, I prefer custom firmware.
I am from jordan
can you help me with an updated firmware 2.3.4 for my SGS II with full arabic support
big thanks for your time
As far as I know, there is no Android 2.3.4 Arabic firmware yet. JPKH1 is still based on Android 2.3.3.
nancy just upgrade to any custom android(exynos,sensation,villain) 2.3.4 and download keyboard app from market which allows u to change language and type arabic…it worked for me using exynos v5 android 2.3.4…
i will try
but i hope if the rom is official
to have full arabic updated rom for my SGS II
My dear i think u should keep yo original firmware and wait for official firmware update for middle east region that will support full arabic coz the other’s dont support full arabic only typing is ok…..
Hi Jayce,
I’m from Philippines.
My GS2 kernel version is which firmware do you recommend for upgrade?
In case, would it void the warranty?
There should be a new firmware update for KF1 (at least for Malaysia) through Samsung Kies. Personally, I prefer XXKG5 if you want to install other region firmware. Yes, it might void the warranty but you can always revert back to stock firmware.
Thanks for the response. If in case I decided to install the KG5 should I just follow the video mentioned above? What’s the difference between KF1 and KG5 in terms of features and functionality?
Can you also provide the steps to revert to stock firmware?
There is no changes log from Samsung between these 2 firmwares. But 1 thing that I know – battery life is better on KG5.
I checked Kies and there’s an available update. KH1. Have you tested KH1? Im not sure though if it is already 2.3.4.
I upgraded to DXKH2. It is still Android 2.3.3. But added Southeast Asia Languages.
There are to links for the KH3.
This package has: PDA: XXKH3| Modem/phone: XXKH3| CSC: OXAKH3.
XXKH3 Stock Kernel:
Password: intratech@XDA
Should I download both?
I’m not sure if you have tested the KH3 but is it the latest compared to KG5?
Use the first one will do. The 2nd one is kernel. I did not try KH3 because it is Frankenstein Firmware.
@Jayce – just curious, what’s with Frankenstein Firmware?
It is a mixed of different CSC, modem and leaked firmware packages. Not official.
KG5 not works with my sg2… cannot on the phone after logon logo
@sham, are you from philippines also?
tarorod – no I’m from Malaysia…
yep, it is still 2.3.3. Is there a possibility to upgrade to 2.3.4 without root-ing the device?
You don’t need to root to install Android 2.3.4 if install the firmware through Odin.
Which Custom ROM IS suitable or can be used for baseband versiuon = I9100BGKF1 and kernel version = -I9100BGKF5-CL342890 root@DELL105#2
You should be able to try any firmware if your phone is factory unlocked.
I have only three days with him. It is unlocked, company Movistar (Spain).
Kies updated to this version.
Sorry about the translation.
hi, I m using KF1 nw, am hving prob with certain games. games suddenly shut off half way thru. will upgrading to KG5 helps???
Hmm… It might be the games issue itself. Anyway, you can try to upgrade to latest firmware with Samsung Kies – DXKH2. See that improve it or not. Or try KG5 if you want.
any big different between DXKH2 and XXKG5?
XXKG5 is Europe region firmware and it is based on Android 2.3.4.
heard from some forumer, anything that flash with Odin eventually void the phone warranty. is that true? If yes how do I revert back?
Yes, install custom firmware might void warranty. But you can revert back anytime you want.
Any help that if I flash it with DXKH2 now?
What help do you need?
I am referring to does it help if I am flashing my current XXKG5 to DXKH2 to avoid the warranty void?
Yes, and no need to worry much about warranty issue. Some people able to claim warranty even with custom firmware and rooted.
So I can direct flash my current XXKG5 to DXKH2 using Odin?
or should I use Kies?
Yes with Odin. You can’t use Kies because KG5 is not Malaysia firmware.
so I suppose to use this one to flash?
@Allen: Yes.
Hi Jayce, I do face some problem after I flash my XXKG5 to DXKH2 using odin. Couple of funciton in my phone is not working. It gives error (e.g: phone contact, voice search , etc)
You might want to wipe data and cache since XXKG5 to DXKH2 is not official path.
it keep giving me the process android process.acore has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again”
How to wipe data and cache?
Note – this will delete all your apps and data = factory reset.
Press and hold down Volume Up + Home + Power buttons at the same time.
Release all buttons when you see SGS2 Logo.
ClockworkMod Recovery will be loaded then.
Select wipe data/factory reset.
Then select Yes — delete all user data.
Select wipe cache partition.
Then select Yes — Wipe Cache.
then do i need to flash again with DXKH2 after factory reset?
ok manage to get the phone work without error now. Really thanks alot. But then I found out that DXKH2 not as user friendly as XXKG5 especially on phone contacts
what is the latest official version for now after XXKG5?
It should be XXKH3 I think.
hi, i update my firmware through samsung kies. but after update, my polaris office and IM are not working. do u hav any idea?
Backup your data. Then factory reset it.
Hi Jayce,
I am at india and unable to download the Galaxys2 camera firmware upgrade in my SGS2. Can you suggest an alternate way, since this update includes the flash problem in camera i want to upgrade it.
Sorry, I did not study much about camera firmware upgrade. As far as I know, the pink spot issue is still there on the latest camera firmware…
hi i have firmware ke7 but i want my original firmware back for country belgium pls help me
done thank you very much 1 more question if there’s a new update available with kies does it support my phone ?
Should be if you are on original stock firmware.
what is d use of upgrading the firmware????and what exactly is firmware???????
Latest firmware might have better performance, bugs fixes, new enhancements… Firmware is like the operating system of the phone (ex, Windows on PC).
hi jayce,
how about with compatibility when you will connect in your notebook or laptop, in my experience i’m using windows 7 64 bit and i have gs2 when i’m trying to connect trough bluetooth in kies and pairing with the device’ “it says bluetooth peripheral device not found, do you have any piece of advice, if do you have any, please share, i do already any solution but still no positive result.
appreciate your positive feedback
thank you very much
I did not test to pair it with laptop (I don’t have one). But it is working with my Bluetooth headsets.
Hi jayce!
I recently bought sgs2 from Thailand it boxed with their thai telco carrier AIS.Seened to have problem surfing the web [very slow] .Is it locked to their carrier or is there a problem with their=the wifi firmware…Help please ?????I m using it in Malaysia with DIGI DATA PACKAGE….wHAT SHOULD I DO???
Which firmware are you using now? If can, try to use your DiGi on other smartphone. Make sure that it is not DiGi that causing the slowness.
Hi jayce,
thanks for response.Hav tried yr suggestion by switching to my apple 3gs with Digi.
On airplane mode with Wifi its super fast.
Switching back toSGS2 with Digi on data plan+Wifi , it becomes
sluggish…but on Digi plan with Wifi off it became super fast…
Is the SSG2 android system designed to work with telco companies ? That means
when surfing the web ?
Hve read in ine SGS2 forums the Wifi connections can be really useless and crappy !!!!.My house Wifi is Unifly Vip 10 and yet its still darn slow ???Look forward to yr advise..Thanks/regs
Sorry, I am a bit confuse. Is the Wi-Fi connection slow or 3G?
SGS2 can be locked to 1 telco. But you can unlock it.
Working on the Wifi excluding the DIGI data plan in the SGS2 , the wifi connection is too slow and can just hang ! When Digi is on plus Wifi it still slow in connection…
If the SGS2 is locked by telco [a possibility] how do we unlock it or how to verify its locked?
Please advise…..
Many thanks and regards for your kind effort to assist us newbies….
Wi-Fi and 3G. Only one of them can be working at the same time, not both. So your issue is slow Wi-Fi, right?
You can’t use DiGi SIM card if it is locked. To unlock –
Hi Jayce, have you tried KH2 2.3.4 for galaxy s2?
here’s what I found in samfirmware.
I9100ZCKI2 ## CSC = OZHKI2 2.3.4 China
Also, there’s KH3 available as well.
I tried DXKH2 but it is still Android 2.3.3. Don’t bother to try China firmware. It won’t work on international Galaxy S2.
Hai Jayce, previously my sgs2’s firmware was xwkf3(INU) and i upgraded to gingerbread 2.3.4 xwkh4. now i want to regain my original firmware, how could it be done?
Follow this –
Hi Jayce,
here a probelm and I need help.
SGS2 with this characteristics:
model code: GT-I9100
Android version: 2.3.4
?????: I9100ZCKI2
kernl version: – CL551389 se.infra@SEI-25 #2
build number: GINGERBREAD.ZCKI2
bought in China in official Samsung shopping.
No access to market. No any possibility to syncronize with it.
I need know which firmware I should have that can substitute current one and let everything work fine. Everything.
1) official firmware in order to be able to automatic update from kies
2) european languages package
3) wlan, net, sms, mms, etc. etc., everything with right work status
Can you give me a suggestion on what I have to use?
really thanks on your kind help
Sorry to inform you that you cannot use most of the firmware except China firmware. More info @
ok, thanks anyway for your help
Anyway: is it possible use official HongKong firmware on my SGS2?
in case yes, which one?
many thanks
No. Please read the XDA thread. There is a ROM with Android Market. But the site is in Chinese. You might need to use Google Translate.
hi Sir,
May kernel version is root@DELL106 #2
i am downloading a 312mb firmware right now, do i still need the kernel version? can you give me the link please, i’m new in doing this… thanks
No need to install kernel. Link is at XDA too.
thanks… do i really need to download the 312mb firmware or just the 5mb?
can you give me the link please for philippines.
thanks so much..
You need to download 312MB firmware. If you need to use your own country firmware, just upgrade it through Samsung Kies officially.
Hi… i have GS2 from Malaysia… i want to upgrade to 2.3.4 gingerbread so please help me… here my phone detail :
Which 1 i should choose to Upgrade my Phone??? TQ
It is depended on you. XWKI4 is the latest.
same gadget here…want to know should I upgraded step by step (xmkf3,xwkf4) or just go for xwk14…
are u recommended android version 2.3.5…thanks
Go directly…
So far I did not hear complaints about the new Android 2.3.5 firmware.
so what is your recommendation…xwki4 or just go for 2.3.5…u got any idea why my earphone jack can’t used…damn just 2 week can’t used already….erkkk…
thanks ya for fast reply…
Don’t upgrade until you fix earphone jack issue. Consult Samsung Support.
thanks Jayce… i use 2.3.5 n no problem… but sms layou/ stylet cannot change like 2.3.3 fireware…. how to install font for GSII?
Go to Settings – Display – Screen display – Font style.
i mean another font… not at the original at samsung phone…
Yes dear. Use the Get fonts online function there…
hi jay
i am having the indian version sgs2 xxkf3 ddkf3 gingerbread 2.3.3 and i updated with xwkh4 xxkh3 gingerbread 2.3.4 now i want to go back to my previous version.
i have installed the previous version with odin but the device rebooted automatically several times without non stop so again i installed 2.3.4 now the device is ok.
how could it be rectified for the previous version?
thank you
You need to wipe data and cache.
I need the tutorial to wipe data and cache.could you please?
Thank you
Something like this –
dear brother
first i want to thank you for your knowledge and your supporting
second i just bought sgs2 before 3 days from (KUWAIT)
i noticed that battery goes crazy down and i want to upgrade it
i have xxkf1 .. im looking for any thing new and in same time can read and write arabic..
third .. can i flash my mobile with htc official rom ??
JPKH1 is one of Arabic firmwares. You can try it if you want.
No, you cannot flash HTC ROM on Samsung phone.
Thanks for your informant webpage.
I’ve just got a GS2 in Malaysia. I’ve some problems and appreciate if you can guid me how to resolve.
First is the internet connection via WiFi, that while I’m connected to my router with full signal, I can connect to any website very difiicult(may be 1 or time through 10 trial). My phone details is :
Model No: GT-I9100
Android Ver. : 2.3.3
Baseband Ver. : I9100DXKF1
kernel Ver. :, root@DELL106 #2
I heared that my firmware is an old version and it might be because of that. What is your idea?
By the way I can see the websites in Persian language(persian or arabic fonts) properly.
Considering above issues do you recommend a new software to install?
if yes please reference me where can get and how to install as i m a newcommer to smart phones wolrd.
Many thanks
You can try to install Arabic JPKH1 firmware. But I am not sure it will help to solve your issue or not because I did not try it.
Do you think that my internet connection problem is related to old version of ROM or the root is somewhere else?
What is the most optimum ROM for GS2 with and without respect the language issue?
Nope, I don’t have issue with Wi-Fi connection on XWKF1 firmware.
XXKI3 is the latest one.
So do you guess any reason for that fault?
I got this error once the mobile couldnt connect :
“Data connectivity problem
The server failed to communicate.
Try again later”
Does it show something?
The router authentication is WPA2-PSK
Do you get this issue on every website? Or just one?
I tried different websites. in 10 trials may be 1 or 2 or sometimes none become successfull.
I also did a test by putting a galaxy plus beside mine and sitting close to router. the other phone could open all the webpages very quickly while mine was turning around to show the error.
even once it could connect the page was loading very faster in other mobile than mine, while it suppose to be converse!(since mine is supperior)
I wonder is it a software or hardware issue!
If you still have this kind of issue on other firmware, then it is hardware issue…
Sorry to modify :
By the way I can NOT see the websites in Persian language(persian or arabic fonts) properly.
jayce… why when i connect my GS2 at samsung kies in firmware information show S/W version in your phone is not an official version. Firmware upgrade of unofficial S/W version is not supported…. TQ
What firmware are you using now?
2.3.5… XXKI3
can i use factory reset to go my old firmware?
No, you need to install it manually.
This is a leaked official firmware. So it is not supported at Samsung Kies.
hi. copy this from xda
Firmware info
Date: 14/09/2011
Android 2.3.4
ATO (Austria):
DBT (Germany):
MSR (Serbia):
which one should i go for??? i want to flash criskelo rom afterwards~
Why do you want to install XWKI4 since you want to install criskelo rom later?
It is stated in the faq of the rom to hv the phone flashed in stock rom first before flashing the criskelo ( if im not mistaken). the problm is i dunno which link shud i dl.
I don’t have stock ROM when I flash criskelo ROM. Just use CWM will do. Install if you want.
where can i get XWKI4 PHONE: XXKI1 CSC: XEUKH2 as the links dont work
HI G , did you find a good link for the download as i am looking for the same one , thanks
Hi can someone advise, I was using CM7 then tried to installed the CWM as I can’t see it on my phone. After I flash the CWM my phone is now stuck at the “Samsung Galaxy S II GT-19100” screen.
Please advise
I have already tried reflashing it to the stock firmware XWKF1 after wipe data and cache but still the same. any advice would be much appreciated.
You done like this guide – ?
It’s ok now, found another way.
currently using CM7 and have removed the yellow triangle..
how can I get firmware for galaxy S2?
Get it at XDA (link in the post).
XDA ??? plz
This one –
thz much !!!
Hi. I rooted my s2 with odin and superoneclick and then installed stock firmware. I need to send my phone to samsung. I also reset the counter with usb jig. I am assuming my phone is still rooted right. Will I have to unroot the phone? Will I have to install insecure kernel first to unroot or can I do it with stock firmware? Thanks in advance.
Follow this guide –
hai Jay, previously my sgs2 is on PDA: I9100XWKF3
and updated with XWKH4 2.3.4 gingerbread. now i want to regain my previous one. what to do? when i again flashed the previous version with odin my phone is frequently restarts non stop. advise me to regain my previous version.
thank you
Follow this –
what is the new fimware for the samsung galaxy s2?
please give my a download link
I just updated through samsung kies after restoring using Jayce’s video.
Use the link in the post to download. Lowest is the latest.
What is the difference between kernel and firmware?
Firmware is like the operating system. Kernel is the main component of the OS.
Hey, just wanna know.. is this rooting or just a firmware upgrade? sorry-i’m a rook-
This is firmware. Nothing to do with rooting.
Dear jayce
I bought samsung galaxy sII , and i need firmware have many language like :
portuguese, english , chinese , arabic .
any idea if have firmware include all this languages .
thank you
Official firmware sure don’t have these region languages in one. You can try to find a custom firmware in XDA. I also don’t know…
Hi Jayce,
If I root my phone, then I plan to restore it do I still need the usbjig or is it ok if I don’t use one?
Not needed, unless you want to clear the custom flash counter.
what’s the purpose of custom flash counter?
For Samsung use only. To find out you are a naughty boy or not by playing with custom firmware / kernel.
hahaha! i read an article regarding the use of usbjig to reset the custom flash counter as a route not to void the warranty.. but somebody said that there’s a hidden folder that also counts how many times you clear/reset the custom flash counter. not sure if it’s true. And also mentioned that someone is working on it now (Chainfire / XDA).
Any thoughts?
Yeah… I also read there is a 2nd counter. Who care? From what I heard, Samsung still give warranty to those with custom firmware.
hehe! good to know.. but I’m waiting for the CM7 stable firmware.. not sure when is the release date though.. hehe!!
As an alternative can you recommend custom firmware to use? where can i get/buy usbjig btw?
I am using XXKI3 LeoMar75 Rom Revolution v2.7.1 now. And I got my USB Jig from eBay.
XXKI3 – 2.3.5 (poland)?
any difference from 2.3.4?
Hard to tell the differences because there are lot of 2.3.4 firmwares. But here are XXKI3 goodies –
jayce… whixh 1 is the latest firemware for Malaysia ( 2.3.5 )?????
DXKI2 – 2.3.3 (no 2.3.5 for Malaysia I9100 yet)
ooo. tq.. but i already install XXKI3 (2.3.5) on my device…. XXKI3 from which country and XWKI4 from where and android WHAT version ?????
You can get all these information at XDA website.
Link is in the article…
Hi Jayce, im from Malaysia. I bought by SGS2 from Electric outlet(Senheng). Last month i install firmware version KH2(firmware from xda official firmware) on my Samsung S2, and upgrade by Kies to KI2.
Information from KIES , Current firmware : PDA:KI2 PHONE:KI1 CSC:KH1(GLB).
My question is, if i want to claim warranty for my phone. Do you think this version (GLB) can be claim at Malaysia First Mobile Group? I search on SAMFIRMWARE website, it show GLB is for Philippines.
Thanks for your help!
Just change the CSC will do.
Oh, Thanks Jayce! So fast reply~ WOW. TQ Very much! You are nice! : )
hi going to install a custom OS on my SGS2, after this will i still be able to change back the previous OS that was installed in my phone?, im scared of what might be the problems after i install a custom OS…i just bought my phone a month ago…
This will help –
Oh…thank you so much
Hello Jayce,
Current Firmware 2.3.3
Few days i connect my Galaxy S2 to the latest version of Kies and Update was available for 2.3.4. Today i had time to update and connected to Kies and its now not showing the update.
Ive uninstalled Kies and downloaded from Samsung latest version but the update still doesn’t show tied disconnecting again and again but no luck.
What could i do?
Also if i update from your site would i lose all my settings, I have SPB 3D Shell installed would i lose all the settings and folders created.
Many Thanks,
There is wipe and non-wipe version. Depend which one that you install.
Always make a backup first before install new firmware.
Consult Samsung Support if you want to upgrade through official way.
Many Thanks for the fast reply.
Do you have the non wipe version, if so please post here.
Thanks again.
Everything is stored at XDA. Read the information there too.
Sorry whats the XDA?
XDA Developer website.
H mate
i have a samsung galaxy S2 which is on meteor network here in ireland.
im all new to this updating firmware game. is there a big chance i could ruin my phone if i updated it wrong????
heres what im on now
Android version 2.3.3
Baseband version I9100XXKDJ
Kernal version root@DELL101 *2
Do you think if i followed your video i should be ok updating
what is the latest update at this moment??
hope to hear from you
Use Samsung Kies to upgrade. That’s the official way. Anything go wrong, you can refer back to Samsung.
Dear Jay,
how could i update my sgs2 to cyanogenmod 2.3.7 from android version 2.3.3, baseband version I9100DDKE4 , kernel version and build number GINGERBREAD XWKF3?
Thank you.
Hey Jayce, we are trying to get the source for the us tmobile sg2 running 2.3.5 any chance you have something in the works or can point me to the right direction. I know this is a shot in the dark but we are trying to get root for this beast. We realy just need the .pit for odin. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
lol im a part of that forum. Im one of the guys trying to get root. Was hoping you had something we didnt have as far a kernel source.
Haha… Mine is international SGS2. Can’t help much. You have to wait for the kernel source. No worry, just matter of time.
yep. was hoping you had a secret source.haha. thanks anyway
the base is UVKID
kernel version is
New firmware for samsung fit in English Language
from can i download it please
The download link is in the post.
I need original version in English Languages for Samsung Galaxy Fit
Oh dear, this post is all about Galaxy S2. Please visit this link –
Hope you can find what you need there.
samsung s5670
Im so new to all this, but i want to update my root my galaxy s2.
I need help on the following
Galaxy s2
What can i update too and how. Please
many thanks,
Update firmware –
Rooting –
Hi i download the s5670XWKQ2 on samsung fit and when i connect to Kies it say (The Version of the device cannot be updated) so what can I do to make work with Samsung Kies,please.
Sorry, I can’t help much because I don’t have Samsung Galaxy Fit. Consult others who own it at XDA.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I want to root my phone, my firmware at the moment is the following:
Galaxy S2
Firmware 2.3.3
Baseband I9100BVKG2
Kernel Version
I have the following questions please help.
What Kernel Do need and where can i get it from?
Will that update my phone and to what firmware? 2.2.4? or different?
Will Kies give me further updates when connected via USB after Rooted?
Finally Once Rooted will everything on my phone be erased ie contacts, photos etc?
Many Thanks And Great Forum
hi jayce… u think can Android Honeycamb install to SGS2?
Nope. But Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich will.
Ok.. which 1 better gengebread @ ice cream?
Of course is ICS. It will be announced tomorrow.
Ok but cant u answer 1 simple Question does flashing void warranty??
Flashing own country official firmware does not void warranty. Others yes…
but what for example i live in india and Flash to Official Latest Firmware by Samsung (not Custom ROm) available in another country will this also Void warranty???
Samsung India has the right to reject because you did not upgrade firmware through official way ~ Samsung Kies.
No worry, just restore back to your original stock firmware will do if you want to claim warranty.
Ok… TQ N don’T 4get to inform me if u post the guide how to install ICS to SGS2…
hi jayce
I have a question may b 2… 1st Q. I hav gingerbread 2.3.4 on my unlocked unbranded SGS2 living in germany my question is will the warranty void if I flash my SGS2 to gingerbread 2.3.5 download from ??? 2nd Q.if I flash it then can iget new official update when I connect phone in KIES ??? last u know if has the official stock rom gingerbread 2.3.5 for SGS2 ??? Tanx in advance
I did not use any firmware from before. No comment.
Hello Jayce … I had bought samsung galaxy s2 b4 1 week … I would be glad to tell me what is the latest firmware that support arabic version and how to update it …. this really important for me bcoz of :
Better battery life
More accurate GPS readings
Improved Performance
Few Upgrade Apps (Including Samsung Apps)
Fixed “pink spot” bug in camera app
thanks in Advance
JPKI1 is the latest Arabic firmware.
Hi Jayce,
I am from Malaysia. I super duper stupid ~ went to update Android 2.3.4 with GT-I9100_XEU_I9100XWKH4_I9100XXKH3_I9100XEUKD1. after done, i realize that it might void my warranty and some how is not my region firmware. so i would like to return to my original firmware version. But i’m forgotten the original firmware code. is XW or DX or others for Malaysia. i just remember that at the back show (xME). do you have any idea that Samsung GS2 in Malaysia should use which official firmware?
Please advise. Appreciate that
These are Malaysia official firmware – XWKF1, DXKH2 and DXKI2.
Hi Jayce,
Appreciate so much.
currently i have the below version: after i try to refresh back my original ROM and get update from the Kies
Baseband version – DXKI1
Kernel Version – DXKI2
Build number – DXKI2
if i need to refresh back Malaysia official firmware – XWKF1, DXKH2 and DXKI2.
how i am going to get the firmware and how i’m going to do it?
please advise.
You already have the latest firmware for Malaysia – DXKI2. No need to do anything already…
Wow ~ really? but how come Kies show the firmware with blah blah blah and ended with –> (GLB) doesn’t matter? cos previously i see mine is (XME)
just remember this others totally forgot LOLz
Haha… You have the correct firmware but wrong CSC for Malaysia. Change it.
Thank you Very Much, Jayce.
You are so helpful. Appreciate so much. at last i settle my SGS2.. almost scared whole night
once again Thank you so much!!!!
whty is my phone can`t get to download mode ….every time i try…does not work
Which button combo did you press?
i follow the instruction guide volume down +home + power`s to hard to get the download mode
Yup, the combo keys are correct. Hold volume down and home buttons first. Then hold power button at last (don’t hold power button first). Release all of them after see SGS2 Logo.
ok i will try it again,thanks,i have upgrage my phone to 2.3.5 SGH-I777.but the funtion video call it gone…why
Sorry, no idea as mine is GT-I9100. Not SGH-I777.
ok …thanks a lot .
sorry to interrupe u ,,,i have try what u said but it`s can`t get to download mode..
Look like it is not same as I9100…
k thanks alot ….i get it
hi jayce… So can u give a tutorial how to install android ICS on SGS2??????
and the installer too…
There is no ICS firmware for Galaxy S2 yet. Not so soon. Maybe 3 to 6 months later…
ooo… ok tq..
can hlep
hey jayce, i have i problem in my samsung galaxy s2, when i update my s2 through kies it stocks, so i unplug it to my computer and then, when i open up my s2 their is an icon of cp and pc and has “!” like this in the middle, please help, i want to fix this problem.
Please consult Samsung Support on your case because normally upgrade through Samsung Kies won’t have yellow triangle. Unless you install custom firmware / kernel.
Jayce : how to install & / download checkrom revolutionhd xxki4 rom for samsung galaxy s2
Follow the installation guide in that article.
Can u give the link and can install use odin ka?
It is also in the article that need Odin.
i really confuse… my android version 2.3.5 base band XXKI3… so if i want to install checkrom revolutionhd xxki4 what can i do first… can u give me guide what to do 1st step until done… sorry for trouble u…
As I mentioned, read the installation guide. All the information is there. Did you read it?
no.. i did’t see… i already download checkrom revolutionhd xxki4 CWM ROM v1.0… don’t know what to do after that… or same step when i install firmware with odin… pleaseee… :'(
Read it then…
i dont understand that… so difficult…
what should i do 1st?????
Take your time to understand it. Don’t start if you don’t understand it properly. Else you might brick your phone.
yaa… never mind la… did not install la for saftey… but really sad… huhuhuh :'(
tell me if this right…
1. i must copy the checkrom-revolutionhd-xxki4-rom in sdcard.. then
2. install ClockworkMod Recovery on Samsung Galaxy S2?
so what about my phone information like this my android version 2.3.5 base band XXKI3… no need install fireware XXXI4 FIRST ?
Hi Sham,
1. Calm down bro:)
2. You need to root your phone. CF-Root is one way to do it:
p.s: Make sure the CF-Root you download matches your kernel (in your case is XX_OXA_KI3).
3. When your phone reboots, do not panic at the sight of the yellow triangle. You can remove it by following this thread (works for me):
4. As a cautionary measure, do a backup using CWM Manager (CWM will be available after you root your phone):
5. Download the zip file for the ROM
6. Install the custom ROM
7. Done.
Note: In case you messed up, restore the backup made earlier:
Hi Jayce, kindly confirm and feel free to add anything i missed out above. Cheers:)
3. Remove yellow triangle without USB Jig
Also, no need to flash your firmware to XXKI4 before installing this custom ROM.
thanks jayce.. its work!!!!! but in skrin dont have a clock shortcuts…
where i can find or download the clock shortcut to my home screen???
also no sound when logo SGS2 appear
jayce : why after i install checkrom-revolutionhd-xxki4-rom-for-samsung-galaxy-s2-cwm no sound when logo SGS2 appear
Maybe the audio file was deleted from the ROM. Anyway, I prefer silent boot animation. And I use custom one also…
sorry i don’t understand…
tell me if this right…
1. i must copy the checkrom-revolutionhd-xxki4-rom in sdcard.. then
2. INSTALL a CF-Root that matches your Samsung Galaxy S2 kernel version THEN
2. install ClockworkMod Recovery on Samsung Galaxy S2?
so what about my phone information like this my android version 2.3.5 base band XXKI3… no need install fireware XXXI4 FIRST ?
AFTER I INSTAL A CF-Root that matches your Samsung Galaxy S2 kernel version my version is android version 2.3.5 base band XXKI3… can i install install checkrom revolutionhd xxki4 after that?
hi jace i have samsung S2 16GB (TAIWAN) specs:
BUILD INFO: FRI KUL 8 20:39:03 KST 2011
Android 2.3.3
and i want to update to:
Firmware info
Date: 13/10/2011
Android 2.3.5
using odin is this OKAY? will my apps be remove? or whats is the best firmware for my s2.
thanks in advance
Yes, as long as you are using I9100. Apps should be intact. But no harm to make a backup first. Best firmware is depended on each person needs.
thanks a lot jayce.
Hi jayce
I successfully updated my firmware to JPKJ2 and now im planning to root it. Can you please tell me what to do and how to root my SGS2. because Im confuse in what insecure kernel I will use.
thanks a lot.
No CF-Root for JPKJ2 yet. Need to wait or you can try the nearest one…
thanks again for your fast reply jayce. i think ill just wait for the cf-root f JPKJ2
Hi Jayce,
I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 in China only to find out later that it had been flashed with a firmware that contained loads of chinese apps that I couldnt delete. I brought it back to the place and asked them to remove it and upload the default stock firmware which they said they did. The only problem is that when i use the samsung kies software it says it cannot update the phone because it the firmware is not official.
Your instructions seem pretty easy to follow so I was thinking about flashing it myself. I was just wondering what stock firmware would be the best to install as I live in China but I am not Chinese (Irish)? If I install an Irish version will it work in China and allow me to update the phone using Kies?
Also. Is the yellow triangle when you turn on the phone the only disadvantage of not having using the USB jig as I think this will be hard for me to get?
Looking forward to your response.
Sorry to inform that your China SGS2 cannot use any international SGS2 firmware / kernel. You can only use China SGS2 firmware.
Thanks for the quick reply Jayce.
I forgot to mention that I bought the SGS2 in a phone market and they said it was brought in from Vietnam. the version details are as follows:
Baseband version: I9100XXKE4
Kernel Version: #22
Build Number Gingerbread.ZSKF4
Lucky you. You can install any official firmware at XDA since you are using international SGS2.
Yes, you can upgrade firmware through Samsung Kies if you are using official firmware.
Install official firmware won’t give you yellow triangle, no worry. And it should be easy to get USB Jig in China. Lot of electronic stuffs come from China nowadays.
Thank you very much.
Can you recommend a version of the official firmware that I should install?
What are the differences?
You can try XXKI4 Europe firmware.
Hard to know the differences because Samsung does not provide change logs between version. So you need to test them to find out…
Hi Jayce,
I have finally gotten around to updating my phone to the stock firmware so that I can update it with Kies. Do i need to update the Kernel also or just flash the firmware?
I have not been able to find the USB jig. Will not having using this have any effect on the installation.
You already have stock firmware. Why bother to install kernel or firmware again?
No USB Jig is fine unless you install custom firmware / kernel.
I bought the phone in China as I explained and it had firmware installed on it with a lot of chinese apps that I could not delete. I asked them to remove them and the firmware they put on the phone was is the following:
Baseband version: I9100XXKE4
Kernel Version: #22
Build Number Gingerbread.ZSKF4
When I try to update with Kies it says firmware not official so I am going to flash with XXKI4 as you suggested.
Oh, I thought already install XXKI4 firmware.
Just install firmware will do. Kernel no need.
Purchased Samsung Galaxy S2 Mobile in China (Now I am in INDIA). Version ZCKH2; Android Version: 2.3.4. I am unable to update the Software and many programs still displaying Chinese Language though the Language is changed to ENGLISH. Please provide solution.
Sorry to inform that your China SGS2 cannot use any international SGS2 firmware / kernel. You can only use China SGS2 firmware…
Hello Mr. Jayce ,
I have bought SGS2 recently here in Jordan … I would ask about the latest firmware of android version 2.3.4 supports Arabic language …
Does installing 2.3.4 really fix Battery life fast draining issue and weak wifi signal of my device ?
my phone info:
Baseband version: I9100XXKF1
Kernel version: root@DELL104#2
Thanks …
Usually, latest firmware is better and has less issue. You need to try them yourself to find out. As for me, I am using XXKI4. Battery life is sure better than my stock firmware.
May I know the latest kernel version for Malaysia S2? I mean official rom given by Samsung Malaysia. Thanks in advance.
So, just upgrade through Samsung Kies Air to find update?
Sorry I’m new to android. >,<
Samsung Kies.
hi jayce!
it me again, i want to flash a STOCK XXKI4 firmware.. remember that im now coming from checkrom revolutionHD..should i restore to my backup,the XWKF1 CF-root before i go to the stock XXKI4? tnx!
You can install XXKI4 stock firmware directly. Do wipe data and cache.
But why do you want to install XXKI4 stock firmware?
dalviks not included? im facing battery issues.. i read at xda..that its good if your coming from STOCK XXKI4..before you proceed to checkromrevoHD.. what are your thoughts about it? tnx!
Huh? Does it really matter which firmware you coming from (after you wipe data and cache of previous firmware)? I am coming from XXKI3 stock firmware. No battery issue.
someone told me that.. going back to installing the stock firmware.. even i am now on checkromrevoHD.. i can simply flash the stock firmware and thats it? via odin right?
Yes, just install it with Odin.
I downloaded the firmware..and the will i install the stock kernel for the XXKI4?
The firmware includes kernel already. No need to install kernel separately again. Kernel installation is the same as firmware.
do i need to wipe first my checkromrevoHD before i go with the installation of the stock firmware?
I told you before already.
oh sorry, my mistake. first i must wipe data and cache via CWM..after that il choose power off and then load odin by holding volume down + power + home key.. then flash the tar file?
tnx! assuming i am on STOCK XXKI4..can i install the checkrom revoHD wihout rooting? how can i do that?
Install like the way you installed previously. Need CWM. i need to root the stock by using the XX_XEO_KI4 right and then install checkrom via CWM. and oh the checkrom revoHD 2.0 is out with DK siyah kernel.. how can i install it?
Same using CWM.
assuming that im already on checkrom revolutionHD 1.0.. il use CWM to install the 2.0 i need to wipe data/factory and cache? and how about the kernel(the Dark Knight Siyah kernel) how will i install that..they said it has major tweaks on battery life. tnx
It should be non wipe version. So no need to wipe data and cache. I did not test v2 yet. If DK kernel does not come pre-installed, you can install it manually with KitchenPro.
question again sir, can wipe also battery stats..does it improve my battery life? will it do harm to my phone? tnx!
Sure. No idea. Some said yes, some no. Harm? Nope, if harm also on battery only.
sir jayce, im about to flash a tar file..but the format is tar.md5? is that safe? before i only flashed .tar file..
Yes, tar.md5 is fine.
thank you sir!
Hi Jayce
I am currently running XXKG5. Any big different if upgrade to XXKI3/XXKI4?
I notice that at xda page highlight that it comes with boot-loader? what does that mean? Can I just flush it from XXKG5 to the latest? btw latest official is XXKI3 or XXKI4?
No idea about the different. No change logs…
Latest official firmware has new bootloader that causing USB Jig cannot clean the custom binary counter. But no worry, firmware at XDA has the old bootloader. Yes, you can install from XXKG5. XXKI4 is newer.
hi Jayce, nice help you have here, but just want to ask Question, we have the same BUILD the Stock (PDA: I9100XWKF1 PHONE:I9100DXKF1 CSC: I9100OLBKE5)just like on the video, and you change it to XXKG5,Firmware info:PDA:XXKG5,PHONE: XXKG5,Date: 27/07/2011,Android 2.3.4. is this the latest firmware??? pardon me but im a newbie ^^. .thanks a lot and hoping to hear from u soon
No, XXKI4 is the latest now.
hi jayce thanks for the reply, so its ok for me to jump from PDA: I9100XWKF1 PHONE:I9100DXKF1 CSC: I9100OLBKE5 to upgrade it to XXKI4??
Yes, should not be a problem.
thanks a lot jayce….more power !! can I also ask you re: wifi issue? coz i have another SGS2, but the thing they’re both can connect to wifi connection but the other phone cannot connect to the internet, but the other one can, they have the same firmware just like i mentioned above. but just a couple of weeks ago, they’re both fine all SGS2 can connect to the wifi then internet, now the other phone can now only connect to wi fi but cannot browse or get to internet…. hope u can help me again with this one….
If the router did not block that SGS2, then it is software issue. Try to factory reset that SGS2.
thanks a lot jayce ill try to reset it then post what happen, again thanks a lot
another thing, do i have to Root my SGS2 even if i update it to XXKI4?
Root or not root is totally up to you.
HI Jayce, i had rooted my sgs2 to a custom kernel and then unroot it to samsung official firmware XWKF1. Now my phone reads Android version 2.3.3… Baseband version DXKI1…Kernel version and Build number GINGERBREAD.XWKF1. Now i m facing a problem.. I wont able to import my contacts from Kies and the firmware update is also blanked off. whenever i try to restore, kies stopped working and the phone disconnected.
Please help me to connect with kies.. for restoring contacts and firmware update
Your baseband should be DXKF1 not DXKI1 for XWKF1 firmware. Did you wipe data and cache?
Besides, I don’t use Samsung Kies to backup / restore as many said it is buggy and not working sometimes.
Pls guide me what to do to make the baseband version DXKF1.. Any suggestions to restore my contacts from kies
Try to restore firmware properly first. Then restore contacts with Samsung Kies again.
Galaxy s2
I updated my galaxy s2 a few weeks ago with your instructions all went well, but now I’m facing issues
With my battery, its fully charged without using the phone or any calls after an hour its drops to leSs then 80%.
Please help should I re install the firmware?
I’m not sure if I did a cache or data remove? Nor i know how to do it, would be able to guide me please.Also would that delete everything from my phone?
Many Thanks,
You may want to factory reset your SGS2.
Yes, all your apps and data will be deleted after factory reset.
Thanks for the reply.
How do i do a cache and date clear anyway.
will that sort my battery out? Or do i have to do a hard restore and then reinstall the 2.3.4?
Wipe data = factory reset. No idea it will solve your battery issue or not.
Hard restore?
If i want the latest firmware for UK orange 2.3.4, currently 2.3.3 Which file do i need to download.
Many Thanks,
I am also not sure. But you can look at here –
Just search for 2.3.4. Then select the one that you want.
Hi Jayce.. may i ask u somthing?
it seems like my s2 cant connect to pc for long..
example: i try to backup my music through samsung kies. before completing, the connection brokes. what seems to be the problem?
I don’t use Samsung Kies to backup. You might want to ask Samsung Support.
nt just that. if i use bluetooth to transfer musics or etc. the connection will end itself. making the transfering fail. so go to wifi. i nid to restart my wifi to continue on my connection
Hi J,
I’ve just bought my SS s2 ( Locked to vodafone ), my kernel version is DUKHI1. I didn’f find out it from what u posted … so what firmware should i dowload ? many thanks
btw, what is the benefit of updating the newest firmware ? and should i update it ?
What are you trying to do?
thanks for quick response . i’m trying to root it
No CF-Root for carrier SGS2. You can try the nearest match if you want.
then can u give me some recommendation how can i root it ? and should i update it to the newest kernel version ? Btw, is the topic about rooting SS s2 ?
Just study the guide that I sent you just now. Update or not is totally up to you.
SS s2? What is that?
sr … i meant SGS2 . what is the advantages of updating new firmware btw ?
No change log is given by Samsung. So new firmware might have bug fix, performance improvement, better battery life, new features…
I’m sorry .. but i’m still confused … how can i root my SGS2 if i cant find a matched kernel version ? my one is ? btw, can u give me the link to update the newest android version that fit in my case ?
Find the nearest match.
I have the stock UK T-mobile android 2.3.3 firmware what is the latest firmware i could install on the phone ?
(sorry massive noob).
BOKG2 – Just connect to Samsung Kies to upgrade.
Thanks for quick reply, but Samsung Kies has failed dramatically on my computer, cannot seem to get phone to link up to it. thats why i found your article and explanation.
I managed to put BOKG2 on phone using your instructions flawlessly, however now i want to know how far can i push this phone without losing any functionality? ( i.e. the latest firmware i should be able to run on this phone without a risk of bricking it or just breaking it
Thanks alot
PS. sorry for starting new thread. clicked on wrong button
I don’t have a carrier branded SGS2. Not sure custom firmware will work on it or not. You need to ask others who has the same model as yours at XDA see.
Just to clarify as i am unsure. how do you define a ‘branded’ SGS2.
My contract provider is T-mobile however there is no specific branding on the phone itself stating its tmoble ( all i have is a Samsung written front and back).
Is the branding guaranteed just by buying the phone through them?. or is it possible i have an unbranded phone which they merely distributed?.
Is there a way to find this out?
Based on your firmware BOKG2.
Sorry, I don’t have much info about carrier branded SGS2. Maybe their hardware are just like others GT-I9100. So do ask others see.
Im new to this whole aspect of meddling with phones, which forums would you recommend I use?.
Appreciate you help.
XDA Developers
Hi, I’m from australia and just bought a phone from oversea. I need to a firmware for Australia networks. Which one do you suggest and where can I download the firmware kit?
Not sure it can work or not. But you can try…
I really need the US Sprint version of this. I accidentally flashed a EU version for AT&T and my phone is bricked now. Please help.
Your SGS2 is Sprint or AT&T model?
It is a Sprint model.
I am very sorry. I don’t have info for Sprint model.
Hi jayce..
It seems like xxki3 is stll not solving the bettery life. or is it just me. Compare it to my previous firmware which is dxki2, i think that version lasted longer. Any explanation? Thx =)
How many day did you use XXKI3 firmware? You need several battery cycles to get accurate data.
FYI, my phone with XXKI3 uses around 3% per hour standby with 3G data on.
i dint even use it to sms.. about 3days i think. only switched on wifi. n i dint even surf the web. i just leave it idle.
Hi jayce..
First of all, you are amazing… Thanks for all
If I want to restore for my current stock rom which is XWKI4 and if I want to use USB JIG i need to flash the old bootloader. This old bootloader will be detected by Samsung? Or maybe I can restore the new bootloader after and it will not increase counters?
Other issue: did you ever done a backup of your efs folder in order to be safe of losing your IMEI?
Thx from Portugal
The old bootloader can be detected by Samsung since XWKI4 is using new bootloader now. Install official kernel / firmware won’t increase binary counter.
I did make EFS backup myself (just copy and paste, some said this method won’t restore well). And got several auto backups when install custom firmware too.
Hi Jayce,
i just flashed my phone today to the XXKI3 2.3.5 and it seems that the home screen is a little laggy when i switch between them. is that normal ? should i flash to a 2.3.4 ?
Thanks for your time,
Mine also seem lag a little bit. You can try to factory reset to make it clean if you are okay to delete previous apps, data and settings.
Yeh i tried all of those options but it still seems to be laggy. no idea wats going on. you would think 2.3.4 and 2.3.5 would be better but it doesnt seem to. it wasnt lagging with 2.3.3 tho
need help can get out of samsung screen follow to wipe cache and everything loaded official and still same message.. please help me
Sorry, don’t understand you. What is your problem actually?
Hi Jayce, I’m planning to update to xxki4.. do i need to wipe first the data and cache before flashing?
Not a must if coming from previous Samsung firmware. But recommended as I always wipe data on new firmware to have a clean start.
actually, my current firmware is KG5. so do i have to wipe everything?
As I said, not a must.
Hi Jayce,
How do i download this firmware?
Just download it from shared file hosting.
Dear Jayce
I didn’t find it anywhere ? and it doesn’t update via Kies as well.
If you can’t find it at XDA, then this firmware does not exist. You can’t update with Samsung Kies if it is not official firmware.
No I have internet problem and the firmware doesn’t go more than 50% during update via kies, it gives operation timed out error.
Check with your Internet provider in this case then.
I need help with my new Galaxy SII i buy from USA.
Its unlocked T Mobile, newest model. BUt this have no Norwegian Language pack.
Were can i get this?
Thanks for help:)
These firmwares are for international SGS2 not US T-Mobile SGS2. Try to look at XDA –
Thanks but i still not find any help there:( To be honest i am not the best on this. but could you help me out how to do this? Is it a easy way? what do i need to do to make new language ?
If to much work its ok, i can use english as it is…
I got norwegian Keyboard but still missing to make it complete Norwegian
Android 2.3.5
Based version T989UVKID
I don’t have US T-Mobile SGS2 to test. So can’t help much. Sorry…
hi jayce..i have a rather noobish question..can i flash other region firmware into my malaysia galaxy s2? and another question is, which region official 2.3.5 do you prefer for me to flash?
china or europe?
Yes, I am using Europe XXKI4 firmware on my Malaysia SGS2 now.
i would like to download the xwkj3 the firmware only for certain operator or for sim free phone?
and 1 more thing. to download the firmware from xda, which link should i choose? is it the one with the stock kernel or the one without?
Without one.
SIM free one.
Jayce : can i change my XXKI3 firmware to XXKI4 firmware on my Malaysia SGS2??? & my data will lost or not?
Sure, why not? It should be non wipe version on XXKI4. But no harm to make a backup first.
Jayce? I need your assistance. on KIES when i connect my SGS2, it said, YOUR DEVICE DOES NOT SUPPORT SOFTWARE UPGRADING VIA KIES. what does that mean?
I9100XWKG1/I9100JVKG1/I9100XXKG1/I9100XWKG1 <– this is my current version.
can you help me update this or is it possible to update it? thank you very much.
I don’t get the letter code thing in the firmware page
JVKG1 might be causing the issue since XWKG1 firmware does not have it.
then what do i have to do next? how can i fix this?
Restore back to your original stock firmware. Then upgrade it again with Samsung Kies.
i dont know how to restore it back.
actually, i had to replace my phone’s board because of the heating. which the service center recommended.
im thinking of updating to a higher version but scared to flash it and void the waranty. im dunno!!!
In this case, don’t do anything until you get a new motherboard from Samsung service center.
the motherboard has already been changed and that’s what it is now.
I9100XWKG1/I9100JVKG1/I9100XXKG1/I9100XWKG1 <– this is my current version.
Since you got the replacement motherboard with this firmware, consult Samsung Support why it cannot be upgraded with Samsung Kies.
ok. i guess there’s just no update here in the Philippines. Was just worried last time coz you said JVKG1 might be causing the issue since XWKG1 firmware does not have it.
or probably im just confusing myself. or desperate about the upgrade.
Hi Jayce;
There is no Arabic Language in JPKI1?
i Confused bro
I did not test it personally. But this is Arabic firmware (based on the info that I got). Did you change the language in settings?
Yes. But i didnt see any arabic language in language setting
Jayce; i downloaded darkyrom But When I Extract DOWNLOADED FILE sEE too Many Folder. What I Do Now?
No need to extract CWM zip file. Just install it.
how i can install this zip folder? by odin???
Where did you download DarkyROM? There is installation guide in my DarkyROM post.
from Your site my friend
Good. Just follow the installation guide then.
My Firmware version is JPKI1 2.3.4.
i want to install Darky rom and i have to download my own cf-root file.
there isnt any jpki1 cf-root file in your site.
what should i do now?
Use the nearest one.
My firmware is JP-KI1.
Which is nearest?
Personally, I will select KI series.
Then i select XX-OXA-KI3
Jayce ,
XXKI3 or XXKI4.. which is better?
Both of them perform the same to me. I can’t find the different. XXKI4 is newer.
ok .. cheers =)
hi friends . I am in asia but by mistake I flashed XXJVQ in my galaxy s i9000 . . so someone please tell me the procedure to revert back to asian firmware i.e DDJV6 . . waiting 4 ur help guys
I don’t have I9000. Please consult others at XDA.
Hi, What is the best battery efficient modem/baseband/phone update you have tried that works well in Malaysian region? KI3, KI4, KH3, KG…??
I don’t care much about modem. So no idea. FYI, I am using XXKI4 baseband now.
Good pm Sir.
I am from Philippines, I decided to use your guide for flashing my SGSII
And I have the following.
Video of how to install firmware on samsung galaxy s2 with odin.
Video of how to restore stock firmware on SGS2.
GT-19100_XEO_I9100XXKI3_I9100OXAKi3_I9100XXKI3 <- Official right?
GT-I9100_SIN_I9100DXKI12_19100OLCKH1_I9100DXKI1 <-Stock Rom, to revert?
Kernel_I19100DXKI2 <- Same as above
Enough english to understand the non technical terms
Enough courage to take the risk of flashing.
And the following questions:
1. With what i have, Basically I just follow your step by step instruction and the video and if all things remain constant, I will have no problems whatsoever?
2. I'm new to this flashing game, when I want to revert back to the old firmware, with what i have above, would it suffice?
What my phone says it is
Baseband Version: I9100DXKI1
Kernel version: root@DELL129 #2
Build number: Gingerbread.DxKI2
Unrooted. Unlocked
1. Should not have issue.
2. Yes.
Thanks for the prompt reply. Will try flashing tomorrow, whats the difference between what i downloaded xxki3, with what you are using xxki4? thank you again
I am using custom XXKI4 ROM. Go to XDA for its details.
Noted. I dont want custom roms, I just want official 2.3.5 from other Region. If it was not for the slow update record of samsung, I wouldn’t have to flash. Philippines is yet to get 2.3.4 thru Kies, Others are already on 2.3.6, and theyre talking of ICS. Will try tom, hopefully help my other friends using this phone too. Mabuhay!
Personally, I did not notice any different between XXKI3 and XXKI4 official firmware.
Yes, I9100 firmware update in SEA is slow and still stuck at Android 2.3.3. Same at Malaysia since we are using the same firmware in SEA.
wait so XXKI4 is the official firmware? I should stick to official, some guys here told me that I wont void my warranty if i use official Firmwares (even if from other regions). I just want that so called battery improvement, if if fails my expectations, im going to revert back to stock rom.
XXKI4 is also official Europe firmware. Just I am using the custom ROM based on it.
OK, thanks for clarifying that up. Will now download XXKI4.
Hi all,
I have recently upgraded my S2 to 2.3.5 (I9100XXKI3) version but failed to take back up of my factory enabled 2.3.3 version (India). is it possible to get those original version of 2.3.3 back so that my warranty doesnt get void. Your help would be well appreciated
Yes, just install your original stock firmware back.
Thanks for your quick response. could you help me to get those original firmware 2.3.3 (India) so that i can install them in my S2.
Can u send me the link to download official indian version of 2.33, i couldnt find one avaulable through online. i came across only korean version of XWKE8
Thanks for that, How can i use it to flash my s2 with those firmware. the extract has some .bin & .img file. i dont know how to use them. can you direct me on this.
No need to extract the tar file. And follow the installation guide in the post.
How to change the language in a Galaxy S2 to spanish (when this language is not included…)?
We have a Galaxy S2 in Israel. The version of the software installed in the phone not include the SPANISH language.
How can I change the language? I need to change the firmware? It is possible to do this language changing with Kies?
Can you guide us to the best solution?
You need to install Spanish firmware. But I am not sure which one is…
I have just upgraded the firmware on my SGS2 to Gingerbread.XWK14 and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what are the improvements (if any) and bug fixes (if any) the main thing I have noticed is the phone reboots about once a day, at least, thankfully in the early hours of the morning!!
hi iam lost please help me.
I got a Salaxy s2 from a mate of mine used to be with 3 network in the uk. I have managed to root the phone and unlock it using this method
The insecure rom i used was this one GT-I9100_XWKE1_insecure.
After i rooted and unlocked the phone i didn do anthing else I only installed my own sim . The problem is this one:
when i turn n the phone i get a notification on the drop down menu saying “Emerency calls only” . in a few words i get network errors. no phonecalls no messages no 3g no nothing.
Please help me iam lost. Should i reinstall the samsung original firmaware? if yes where can i get it? my phone is still rooted so if i get the firmware can i do it?
i get a n
Why not consult the editor in on your issue?
hi thanks for your reply. i have a problem though ! my volume down key sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt work ( in order to get in download mode) .
Since my device is rooted and i have a custom rom can i use KIES to allow the software to update my firmware??
No, Samsung Kies does not support custom firmware.
can you point me to the right location for the original samsung firmware for root@DELL103#
Baseband I9100 NEKD5
Thanks in advance and if you some more tips please let me know
Can’t you find it with my article download link?
i found this
Firmware info
Build date: 03/05/2011
it has two ! the generi and the stock! is the STOCK KERNEL i need to flash??? or the generic??
Firmware will do. Kernel no need.
iam sorry iam confused! the stock kernel is not the firmware i need?
No. The other is the one that you need.
ok ! the eneric is about 306MB !! how do I used the eneric files? can you explain? is there a method?
Read the installation guide please…
Hi, I bought my Samsung Galaxy S II in China, and currently have the Chinese version of Gingerbread, which lacks many of the apps that the Americans version has. Is there somehow I can replace my present OS with the US gingerbread?
Sorry, no. Their hardware are not the same.
just to let you know the emerency calls only thing is because the phone I got (second hand!!) had its IMEI blocked in the UK because the previous owner declared it as LOST to the carrier and they blocked the IMEI. Thats a waste of money!!
Thank you for your help
Got a problem while trying to restock back into original firmware , using jayce’s tutorial video and forums. Guides were simple and I thought it’s easy thing to do. Previous Rom was Litening rom, not the latest version. Odin gets stuck while trying to write cache.img.. nothing happens and it doesn’t move. Do I dare to close the Odin. It has been like this for 2 hours now. Should not take this long.
I have nordic region scandinavian phone (Finland) region phone, XXGK2.
Is there a way to restore the firmware through Kies or should I try other firmware update? Or is this about Kernel, no?
This guide does not work for you?
When i try to boot to the “ClockworkMod Recovery”
All I get is a phone, triangle with exclamation point and a line to computer. Does this mean I have to do something with Kies?
Is it perhaps stuck now because Odin tried to push a new firmware on top of old one?
Because now I have to admit I did not reboot to the recovery mod in the first place.
Maybe. What firmware did you install?
Firmware info
Build date: 09/06/2011
This was first one I tried. Now update: Odin does not recognize the phoen connected afterI took out the battery for 30 minutes. But I still can get to download mode. Is there any chance to get to recovery mod anymore? to make a clean wipe. At least the counter is 0 in the custom binary. It says the installed binary one on my phone is Samsung official now.
Yes, I ruled out the Kies now.
Odin does not recognize your phone? This is bad. And you can’t load recovery mod if it is corrupted like your case. Try to install wipe version of firmware if you still can get Odin to work out.
I will try this now and update of what happens..
Odin finally failed, i dont know after how many hours after being just still and not moving. Factoryfs.img did not go through..
It seems the it just doesn’t run the flashing on the phone now, just gettin stuck on a certain point. Also, getting to recovery mod doesn’t work…
This wipe version of firmware went furthest on it’s installing than the others though..
Okay Jayce, so…
The installing of wipe , stock firmware was unsuccessfull.. so.. I just gave up.Finally.
I took the phone today to a warranty repair. They said they will wipe the software and make a clean reset on the phone. It should be back in my pocket before christmas!
Glad to know that.
– Tried o boot to CWM recovery and doesn’t work
– Download mode works but when i try to flash through Odin, it just stops transferring on first img-file
-Kies is shut down when i use Odin.
Feels like i bricked my phone totally. Any suggestions? One-Click Unbrick program I also tried.. but it failed.
Hi Jayce, I have a samsung galaxy S2 with baseband DXKH2 does that mean that if I want to upgrade to a higher version, I have to get the firmware that is the same as my baseband version which is DXKH2?
Nope, you can install any firmware that developed for I9100.
the part i don’t understand is: why is there a list of supported basebands, if we can just go to xda and get any of the firmwares for our i9100s? Which one should i get: i just want to flash to 2.3.6
Ask Samsung why there are so many firmware. I also don’t know. Just find Android 2.3.6 firmware to install.
where can I get 2.3.6 for UGKG2?
As far as I know, I don’t think there is Android 2.3.6 firmware for UG region yet.
hi jayce, seems like u r a expert at all these things.please help me out i bought sgs2 in india and i currently have
android version:2.3.3
baseband version:I9100DDKE4
build number:GINGERBREAD.XWKF3
MY QUES IS:which is latest firmware available and how can i install it
XWKK2 is the latest one for the moment.
Follow the installation guide in the post.
is it an official upgrade available through kies if not then how to install
Yes but it maybe not be in your region.
alrigth,one last question,can i just pick like one official rom and its stock kernel then flash it with odin on my phone
They are for I9100 model. Don’t think it will work on your SGS2 too.
thx man
hey jayce…i want to ask which you think is the best official firmware to flash? i9100..
It depend on each needs. Personally, I am still using custom ROM based on XXKI4 firmware.
I have recently rooted my phone. But one problem i noticed after rooting my phone is most of the apps in the market are not supported. I didnt load any custom ROM, But i rooted my phone by flashing with insecure kernel (Through ODIN ). and then used software to root it.
My Kernel version is i9100XWKF3 (insecured kernel) im getting a yellow triangle during boot.
Baseband version is i9100DDKE4
Build number XWKF3
Android version 2.3.3
My phone is bought in india.
hi i use a SGS2 GT-I9100.
my android version is 2.3.3 but i see a lot of people upgrading to 2.3.6 but my kies doesnt notify any latest update. why is that so? Im from india. could u tell me if that is the latest version for my region?
Yes, India SGS2 I9100 still stuck at Android 2.3.3 just like my country, Malaysia. Why? Ask Samsung, I also don’t know.
Hi Jayce, I’ve just upgraded my sgs2 from 2.3.3 to 2.3.6. Now my kernel is XWKK2. Seem working fine. I am planning to root it, does this means I’ve to use XW_XEN_KK2 to root it ? Many thanks in advance. Lim
Forgot to mention, previous Kernel version is DXKI2. After upgrade is XWKK2.
Yes, XW_XEN_KK2 is the one.
Hi Jayce,
I upgraded my firmware from 2.3.3. to 2.3.6 and rooted it last night with XW_XEN_KK2. I am contemplating to install litening rom. In the event if I decided to revert all back to stock are these the only two I found in XDA needed to flash back ? My stock version is DXKI2
Firmware info
Date: 08/09/2011
Android 2.3.3
DXKI2 Stock Kernel:
Password: intratech@XDA
Also what I have to look out for in choosing a rom for current XWKK2 ?
Many thanks in advance.
Yes, that’s the one.
Look out for?
pls help i update this firmware and now my phone display Galaxys s enimation and then rest again and again just showiing animated galaxy s then galaxy s2 i9000
what should i do ?
Which firmware did you install? And from which firmware?
thanks Jayce for your kind reply i have solved my problem by deleting all data
home + down +power key went to menu and use option wipe all data.
Hi Jayce,
I tried to upgrade fm from 2.3.3 to 2.3.6 but failed.
This is the message I got during upgrade with odin
Enter CS for MD5..
Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
Please wait..
GT-I9100_XEN_I9100XWKK2_I9100XENKJ1_I9100XXKI4.tar.md5 is valid.
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
Leave CS..
All threads completed. (succeed 0 / failed 0)
My present kernel version is root@DELL138#2
built version: gingerbread.DXKH2
did I something wrong? I used you provided link for SW DL
My S2 is still working on 2.3.3 w/o problems
rgds, Erwin
Not sure what went wrong. Try other firmware see.
read on another thread that maybe my S2 isn’t recognized by odin, however if I connect my phone via usb connection I can see it on my computer and can copy/move files
any thoughts?
any link for another 2.3.6 firmware?
br, Erwin
Do you have Samsung Kies on your Windows? Odin needs to use its USB driver.
yes, I do. I can use Kies w/o problems on my computer
thanks for your patience
Hmm… Anything different between yours and mine in the installation video?
Your hint regarding Kies driver was the point.
When I mentioned that I use Kies, it was only Kies Air.
So I DL Kies from your link, installed on my computer, running the procedure as in you video, viola! that’s it
I’m running now 2.3.6 and its working nicely, so far.
Thanks a lot for your help, very much appreciated
br, Erwin
I9100 = 2.3.3
I9100G = 2.3.6
what means I9100G = 2.3.6??
where to download…
Samsung Kies…
but 2 months ago i’m upgrade from your blog using firmware not from samsung kies…. so what can i do????
You can download from XDA. Then install with Odin.
1. i already upgrade my sgs2 using this XXKI4 (2.3.5)… can i use this 1 GT-I9100_XEN_I9100XWKK2_I9100XENKJ1_I9100XXKI4 for upgrade my sgs2 to 2.3.6?
2. what the different and the new i have when i intall the 2.3.6 firmware?
3. my all application will deleted or not after i upgrade to 2.3.6?
1. Yes. However, you might need to factory reset if face force close issue.
2. No idea. No change log from Samsung.
3. Usually no. Unless that firmware is a wipe version.
jayce : how to know that our sgs2 I9100 or I9100G?????
i have a sgs2 white…
When you power on SGS2, there is model number there. Or About in Android OS.
i have installed with odin after installation got success my phone is hung up on start screen what should i do ?
Which firmware had you installed? And which model of SGS2 are you using?
Hi Jayce, Can u teach me how to downgrade for 2.3.5 to 2.3.3 the ? I new in SGS2 dunno the which one to put GT-I9100_SIN_I9100DXKI2_I9100OLCKH1_I9100DXKI1.tar and Kernel_I9100DXKI2.tar ?
Hi Nickwu, please follow the installation guide. Kernel is not needed.
Ok thx but the GT-I9100_SIN_I9100DXKI2_I9100OLCKH1_I9100DXKI1.tar put at where?
Did you read the installation guide?
Hi thx I had fix it
plz help me regarding my mobile samsung galaxy s2. i was trying to update as it ask me to do when i connect kies and i even dont know which version i have and which version it was gonna update to…… i spen my whole day to make my phone work. it has sort of soft brick and connected to a computer and having yellow (!) mark in between. i saw ur different videos and make it work. i download odin3 and tried pda and different firmware but doesnt work sometime it stuck and sometime it even doesnt make setupconnection. and finally i add xwke8 kennel so what happen it changes that brick and now i can see samsung galaxy s2 sign and now its stop at manual package thing and says updating applications…. looks like i dont know which firmware i need to add so plz………… help me as i am planning to go for holidays and i cant use my phone and camera………… plz plz i will wait for your help……….
Sorry, I don’t quite understand you. Keep it short please. What is your current issue now?
You need to use USB jig
dear jayce,
im from sri lanka.i have galaxy s2 bought from was O2 one and was locked.i unlocked it after coming to sri lanka using helroz sim unlock.i want to upgrade it but have these problems….
1.will upgrading lock my phone back..?
2.if not what is the best firmware for my s2?
now its with
Android 2.3.3
Baseband I9100XXKE7
plz help me.thank you verymuch for what you are doing through this site..
1. No idea. Sorry…
2. You can try the latest one ~ XWKK2.
sorry for tooo much wriritng….
basically my galazy s2 lost its firmware. when i connected with kies it ask me to update software but it was taking toooo long then i disconnect when i tried to switch back on it was showing brick sign i tried to look some videos and tried to load new firmware with odin3 but it doesnt work properly it says at the end that failed. cz i dont know which is the right one firmware i need so plz help me to find correct firmware. as i dont know which one is right one.
Since you got issue during firmware upgrade using Samsung Kies, please consult Samsung Support then.
Hi Jayce, its me again. I want to flashback to DX since its already on 2.3.6 ( i flashed to XXKI3 ). What else do i need besides Odin and the official ROM?
That should be all.
bro XWKL1 iz india region???? and XWKL1 2.3..6 iz offcial verison of s2?????
Yes. Yes.
Hi jayce , I use kies to update DXKL3 2.3.6 then it remover root and some time it restart it self , Should i root it or
Root or not is up to you.
how to update kernal i have kernal file in rar .. thnxxx
Why do you need to update kernel?
Hi Jayce,
was reading your blogs for last 6 hours and most it is Hebru to me as I am a non-techie,
My SGS2 is 2.3.3 baseband I9100DDKE2, Kernel ROOT@DELL101 #2
I am unable to upgrade my phone to 2.3.5? 2.3.6? Kies does not upgrade, trying for last 1 month for 8-9 hours daily (got 1mbps connection) but no upgrade. it simply hangs.
Thx mate, Avijit
Please consult Samsung Support if you fail to upgrade firmware with Samsung Kies.
Hi jayce, i am now going to attempt to flashback to DX 2.3.6 from XX 2.3.5. do i flash it like i did before, or do i need to wipe it, change kernel etc.
Install with Odin. Wipe it if you face force close issue. No need to change kernel.
hi jayce,
im using xxki3 nw.. if i factory reset it will it reverts back to my stock firmware?
Nope, it will be still XXKI3.
thn hw to reverts bak? download my stock firmware?
Downgrade with Odin.
Hi Jayce,
This is probably the wrong place to post this question. ‘ve been searching for the past few days for a widget or something that can toggle between 2G and 3G with a single click. Apparently there don’t seems to be one except those working with CM ROM. The closest I can find is a shortcut to change the network. I am using SGS2. Do you know of any such thing that exist ?
Thanks in advance. Lim
Sorry, nope as I don’t use it. Try to find at Android Market see.
Hi jayce ,do u have Facebook ? Why don u start a group in it and we join in ?
Yes. I have Facebook Page too.
i need indian 2.3.6 firmware sir plz send link
Hey Jayce….will you be posting how to install ICS on the S2 when it come out and where to download it?
I posted already…
Jayce: Y my my SGS2 show Blank SD Card?
please help me!!!!
External SD card or internal one?
external… micrSD…
You formatted it? Can card reader see the content inside?
Look like broken already…
this is my 2nd times my sdcard problem.. huhuhu. . if i restore or format my phone, can the sdcard use again or not
This is external SD card problem. It has nothing do to with your phone.
ok.. tq.. what to do..
Since you can’t format SD card at all. Send back to claim warranty.
Jayce…hai I’m again… Y my microSD card unavailable in SGS2 but can read on caed reader?
Hard to tell. Try to format it on your phone see.
cannot format coz unavailable appear at storage.. how ya?
Try other SD card on your phone. See is your phone or not.
Other sd card can…
Then your SD card has problem.
oic.. Tqvm jayce…:-)
Format it by using your computer on fat32 format.
Cannot format it.. this appear.. windows unable format device
hi . this 2.3.6 android version is official for galaxy s2 . and work touch wiz 4.0 .. i need pls help ..
i can’t update via kies . i need official update version ..
official firmware link
and yes there is touch wiz 4.0
Hey pls give me the download link . My kies say ur deavise does not support upgraed via kies
pls help . i need official fairmware . help me ..
No i have Question , i am happy with 2.3.6 only problem is kies says “Your Device Does not Support upgrading via Kies”
do you know how can i solve this problem, if i install original firmware using ODIN will my kies give me original update?
You need correct PDA, PHONE and CSC match firmware in order for Samsung Kies to support.
how do i know what was in it before ? i bought this in australia and they guy who soled me dont know from where he bought that.. but it was brand new .
No way to know it now if unless you marked it down previously.
what if i install any official rom from xda website will my kies back ?
Yes, sometime you need to change CSC manually too.
can you help this was my old info
Andriod Version : 2.3.4
BaseBand version : I9100XXWKI1
Kernel version : root@dell143#2
from here
which rom i should update pls pls pls help
i dont know what you mean by CSC but i believe my phone is uk model
i think i have to go here
Firmware info
Date: 14/09/2011
Android 2.3.4
do you confirm
This is XWKI4 firmware for UK. XEU is the CSC.
I installed ICS 4.0.3 now I want to go back to my stock ROM JPKJ2. can you suggest me if I need bootloader or just firmware and kernel
Did you install ICS bootloader? If yes, you might need to install Gingerbread bootloader back and firmware.
what is bootloader infact ? and why we use it just for information
Wow… You install bootloader without knowing it.
i m not the one who asked question , i am new one who is asking this question
I am very sorry. Miss that out.
Bootloader is a program that loads the main operating system. Something like BIOS in PC.
hi i updated the firmware from 2.3.4 to 2.3.6 after that i am facing a problem i cannot connect it with kies
Hi sam, please update Samsung Kies to the latest version.
hi jayce
i need official update for galaxy s2 In my country Bangladesh .
My kies could not say any thing .
i update 2.3.6 via odin .
so my kies say ur phn does not support upgraed via kies
Install back Bangladesh official firmware with Odin.
where i can find Bangladesh official firmware ?
All the official firmwares are located at XDA. Link in the post.
i had in sgs2 android version 2.3.3(XWKE2), and kies cant update him because it wasnt original version of os
so i backuping all data by kies software and upgrade phone by your guide to original 2.3.3
i thinked that everything is ok, so i try to upgrade os by kies to latest (2.3.4 / XWKI4), so it works and then i try to restore backup data, but restored was only photos, music and contacts, and kies restoring done without any errors, i try it maybe 10 times, please, help me !
when i try to restore only messages, i see progress bar and finally kies say, that all is done and restored 2.4MB, but result is nothing…
thank you for your help in advance
Hi there, I’m on Vodafone Australia, and I was wondering what ROM I should be flashing? There seem to be three different options, and I don’t know how I should pick
Thank you so much for any help
Hi Joe, what do you plan to do with new ROM? You can flash any I9100 firmware on your SGS2 I9100.
The reason I’m doing it is because I was trying to install MIUI, but it’s stuck trying to boot up! So I did some research, and thought that the best way would be to wipe it and install new firmware
You have CWM installed, right? Wipe data and cache. Then install MIUI ROM again.
Thank you so much for all your help!
Oh sorry, so just to confirm, I would need to “wipe data/factory reset” and “wipe cache partition”?
Yes Joe.
Incredibly, I didn’t even need to reinstall MIUI! It worked as soon as I wiped those two things
Hi Jayce, just wondering if you could give me some advice please mate? I’ve just received a SGSII with a custom ICS rom installed which is very buggy and I’m not happy with it at all. I want to revert back to stock Samsung firmware,which I can do thanks to your very helpful (and easy to follow) video and instructions, but I’m not sure which firmware version to get. I live in Australia and was hoping to get a version of Gingerbread 2.3.5 or 6 hopefully without any carrier bloatware. I was doing some research on the XDA Developers forum and came across a firmware version XWKK2 which I think is a generic Australian firmware but not too sure. Any advice on the subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work.
Personally, I did not try XSA Australia XWKK2 firmware. So no idea. But I am using XWKK2 custom ROM now (based on Netherlands firmware).
Thanks for the advice Jayce. I flashed the XWKK2 firmware without any problems and it works really well, except that the email isn’t working. As soon as I turn the phone on, an error message appears saying Unfortunately Email has stopped working and all I can do is force close it. Any ideas or suggestions on what could be causing it/what I can do to fix it? I have re-flashed the firmware to try and fix the problem, but still the same thing. Thanks Jayce.
Look like you need to factory reset to solve this issue.
hi jayce, i m from india. i just uploaded official firmware from kies for sgs2. which is xwkl1. from 2.3.3 to now 2.3.6. problem i am getting tht in software update whn i click on updates through wifi its showing fail to connect to server. second problem at the moment my installation completes of 2.3.6. now & thn msg apperaing on my screen ( mobile screen) ” please check your internet connection. java.lang.nullPointerException”
pls help me out on this.
Hi Karan, look like you might need to factory reset to solve this issue.
Hi Jayce,
I had downloaded the new firware for my samsung galaxy s2 yesterday to give it a shot. In short, it sucked. Lost of bugs. So I had tried to revert back to the old firmware by using Odin. Halfway through the installation, my usb had unplugged and I turned my phone into a brick. Do you think my warranty is void because of this? Im sending it in for repair, although im unsure if Im able to get it fixed.
No issue if you install official firmware. Anyway, can you still able to load Odin download mode?
No, I cant even turn on the phone. Its a complete brick. Odin works, but the phone cant be set to download mode or reset mode.
Also, when I said “i had downloaded the new firmware for my samsung” i ment the firmware that was not yet released to the public. xx8 and xxA.
So it is not official firmware. Try your luck at Samsung Service Center then.
Hi Jaice
LAst night im rooting my Samsung Galaxy S II with the Stock kernel XW_NEE_KI4 folloging yurs istructions xD verithing was ok thanks alot, but actually i have to take off the yellow triangle.
Can u help me to find the kernell that i have to use on it, dont know wich one do i have to use
I have:
Kernel Version #2
BaseBand I9100XXKI1
My phone are in south america (Bolivia)
Use XWKI4 Stock Kernel.
Hi Jayce
I installed and everything works perfectly
I almost had a fxxking heart attack when the windows was slow because of the USB driver looking for … were about 15 minutes in tachycardia
Thank you very much for your advices. You are the best.
Hi, i’m interested for using your tips, but got some question with it..
I got my galaxy s2 two days ago, and notice the battery drainage is too much!
so i want to change my firmware to another firmware that can improve battery life
any recommendation?
And how can i know, which firmware is compatible with my phone or not?
My baseband is 19100DXKL1, and build DXKL3 (And still that much drainage >,<)
I am using custom ROM based on XWKK5 firmware. Battery life is good for me.
You can install any I9100 firmware on your SGS2 I9100.
which firmware is offcial for malaysia??
Latest one for I9100 – DXKL3.
I just bought Samsung Galaxy S2 in US yesterday. I will be leaving to India in one week. I will unlock my Samsung Galaxy S2 while in India so that I can use local SIM card. In that case, can I get a local SIM card with data plan. Also, will the resync to corporate email – does it have to be done with my IT help or I can it myself.
Sorry, I have no idea as I don’t have US SGS2 and don’t live in India. And don’t use corporate email now too.
Hi jayce!
I would like your help on the firmware I should download. I’m for JPKJ2 and I bought my phone here in Qatar. In the site, JPKJ2 has 2-3 links depending on which region I bought the phone but I’m troubled between the 2-3 links.
2nd: XSG (UAE):
3rd: JPKJ2 Stock Kernel:
Should I download all? Or choose between the 1st and 2nd link, and the 3rd link I still must download it? My region is in Qatar. I rooted my phone but I erased my back up and I can’t unroot anymore. Thank you very much.
Sorry Rob, I am not sure which firmware is for Qatar (1st or 2nd). The 3rd one is kernel (not firmware).
Hi Jayce! Thanks for the reply.
I checked the outside of the box of my SGS 2.. It has the product code GT I9100LKAXSG, I think I’m for UAE. However the link for the firmware I still can’t download it for a couple of days now. Is it ok if I’m going to download an Official Firmware from Do you know if they’re the same? TIA
(Added inquiry)
By the way Jayce, I have an Odin program but it’s 1.83 in which I have used in rooting my phone. Should I download the latest Odin 1.85 or no need to download it anymore. I also have the secure kernel (original- which I used before to remove the triangle after flashing an insecure kernel) from the time I rooted my phone, so does that mean that I also don’t have to download the stock kernel? (because also the link for the stock kernel doesn’t work.
If I download the official firmware (from and just flash it in the PDA, after that I should flash the stock kernel in the PDA section in the Odin program again? I’m sorry I’m just a noob hehe..
I did not try Odin v1.83 before. No idea.
Just flash firmware will do. Kernel is not needed unless you need to remove yellow triangle.
They should be the same but I did not try firmware.
I downloaded the new Odin with your link and follow your instructions. All is well now, I have flashed the stock firmware and saved a back up for the root. Thank you very much for your help.
Hi, I cannot see the link to download my stock firmware. I’m using i9100 KG7.
Using UHKG7?
Hi, I want to ask you why cant I download any firmware!? I thing the site doesn’t work!! I tried all links but it doesen’t work!
I shopt my samsung galaxy S2 in sweden and I hade a great firmware I could Update over the phone but then I instald some SHI… firmware and now I dont have swedish keyboard and I cant Update,and i think the phone doesent work so fine as it worked whit the original firmware… becouse of that i want to try to instal stock firmware…
If you could help me i would be grateful… thanks
Try this site –
thank you very much! If I kan ask one more thing! which firmware should I download?? how can i chek which is for me?
Which one to use is totally depended on you.
ok. thank you very much
hey jayce.which is the best and the fastest firmware to install?please tell me…..i love your blog btw
It depend on each person usage.
i usually play high intensive 3d games like real racing 2 ,modern combat 3 etc
Jayce: which 1 best firmware 4 sg2 and contain font rosemary..
Hi Jaycee, I have been unable to access since few days ago, dont know why. I used to d/l official firmware from there.
I wonder If you have official firmware both DXKI2 and DXKL3, for my sgs2i9100, to download? Mine now is CF-Root-SGS2_DX_THL_KL3-V5.0-CWM5 planned to be ‘ODINed’ to remove yellow sign.
Sorry, I don’t have.
Hi Jayce
XWLA4 is it official firmware? I’ve been waiting for latest XX series for long time but seem no more updates? I am currently running XXKI4
Yes Allen, official firmware for Germany.
is it XX series no longer got updates?
Got. But don’t know when…
I bought used Galaxy s-2 and it was rooted. i dont knw official firmware n kernal so what should i do if i want to back to official ??
You can install other region firmware if you want.
Currently, i want to download KL1 for restore to stock
but the link multiupload on xda forum is not able to be seem or download
Any other way to get the firmware ?
Get it at SamMobile.
how to retain old original firmware (nw 2.3.6, company default 2.3.3)
Install it with Odin. Or restore it if you have CWM backup previously.
Hi, love your site, very helpful. I’m hoping you can help me further.
I’ve been able to use my SGS2 with the local sim cards in the Philippines, UK, and Brazil. I’m now in Korea and when i bought a prepaid SIM from KT Olleh, my phone doesn’t have a network signal. Am I locked or something? Or should I change CSC? I have a multi-csc but it only includes nepal, sri lanka, indonesia, no korea. My phone’s details are below:
android version: 2.3.6
baseband: I9100DDKL1
Kernel: #2
Build: gingerbread.xwkl1
Thanks very much!
Is KT Olleh using GSM?
I think so, GSM and WCDMA. I just noticed now, my phone’s network has my home network (GLOBE TELECOM), and written above that, SK TELECOM. So should I probably get a sim from SK? I asked at an SK store previously, they didn’t seem to have a SIM, and directed me towards KT (though my Korean guide doesn’t have quite a good grasp of english so there might be something lost in translation).
I have no idea then. CSC should not affect anything as I am using Europe CSC on Malaysia carrier now.
Try to consult KT Olleh.
okay, thanks very much
Hi from where can i download jpkj2 firmware pl give me link
hey, i found d guide really useful but i kind of have a major prob. im not able to download the kernel from xda developers. i hav mod my phone n need d XWKF1 kernal to get it back to stock mod. could u pls post a link or some other source to get d that kernal. i really need it alot pls
You can try SamMobile.
G’day Jayce.
I have just rooted my Galaxy S2 and I would like to find the stock kernel for it before I try to upgrade and to get rid of the yellow triangle at boot. I just can’t seem to find it anywhere but on xda via which is down. Where else would I be able to get it from? My carrier in Australia is Telstra.
My phone specifications are:
Model Number: GT-I9100T
Android Version: 2.3.3
Baseband I9100TDVKF2
Kernel root@avad-server #22
Thanks in advance!
You can try SamMobile.
what shoud i do now ? they want a password to the insecure
Where did you download it? I don’t have the password.
from here
Please ask the person who uploaded it.
can u give me another link ??
Don’t have it. Or you can try to use CF-Root to root it.
I want offical ics via odin update . where i can found ics official . pls help .
sammobile say ics official but its better .
hi jayce,
im using gs2 i9100g version, and want to go to the original firmware, so which do you think i should take?
(i`m from malaysia)
hi joyce ,
this firmware link cannot download ,if i can install this firmware my android will be 2.3.4??
Firmware info
Date: 10/06/2011
OZS Hong Kong (BRI, CWT, KOR, TGY, TWM):
ZSKF4 Stock Kernel:
Password: intratech@XDA
Can’t do much as MultiUpload is shutdown.
then got wat firmware i can install as easy?:D
Find those working download links…
hi, jayce
i go samfirmware to dl zskf4 PDA then i need use odin to install it?after install……
and my firmware can use kies to update???
Should be as I did not try firmware from SamMobile. Or why not install the latest firmware for your region?
How do i go back to the original firmaware on my galaxy s2??
Its German and unbranded…. and when i go back to original firmware, will i be able to use kies and update over kies or do OTA?
U can go back original firmware any time just before that connect ur phone to kies and save your current firmware info. Then install any firmware using Odin when u want go back go to xda official galaxy s2 firmware form download and install using Odin
I dint save the firmware info
Hi Sanjay,
Any of ur friend bought from same person u did or even if I know which country it’s from then u can try different Csc
Its from Germany, no career branding (free to use on any network)
nope none of my friends bought it
ok try this
and look and this area
Firmware info
Date: 14/09/2011
Android 2.3.4
install it hope you will get your kies , but do you know what was your OS verion?
i remember updating it to 2.3.4 somewhere late september/early october
then you can try above .. what i have said and i am sure you u should have now ice cream from kies as i got one
then good to try the one i said above…
i got a Yellow Triangle i am trying to goto stock, but stuck.
Need help Jayce.!
India, factory unlocked,
INU – KL1 – 2.3.6
Sorry Ashwath, which step did you stuck?
just the kernel…
and stuck at yellow exclamation…
Kernel? Restore stock firmware does not need to install kernel.
May I know what had you done in details?
alright, i used ODIN3 with a CF-Root Kernel.
That gave me a Yellow Exclamation, its like the OS Screen doesnt come up, i am stuck with a Yellow Exclamation.
But when i try to write the Stock Firmware, it fails writing
on the ODIN3 v1.85
i put the Stock firmware TAR file in the PDA.
there is another file that says kernel…
The StockFirmware it fails writing
How do i go about it?
i just dont know what to do
Is your SGS2 I9100 or I9100G?
Sorry to tell you. CF-Root does not support I9100G. And I don’t have I9100G. Can’t test it on my side.
Please consult others at XDA website.
I am try find what firmware i used upgrade which at moment i am on XWKDD and live in UK
Hi James, you can install any I9100 firmware on your SGS2 I9100.
Hi Jayce i did follow your video and i used CF-Root-SGS2_XW_XEU_KH4-v4.1-CWM4 on odin3 v1.85 the system say pass after this got stuck on screen galaxy s II with yellow triangle wont boot up? what i doing wrong?
XW_XEU_KH4 might not work on old XWKDD firmware.
right how to get back to factory restore where can i get it download? or which one i should get right firmware?
XDA website. Not sure which one is your stock original firmware. You know it only.
I found orginal Stock frimware and still stuck with show galaxy s ii wont boot is i miss out something software? please help out i know you are kind to help thank for your time
Remember to wipe data and cache.
oh no i dont think i have ClockworkMod Recovery or stock Recovery Mode
I can’t help much then. Sorry…
what if i get SD card installed ClockworkMod Recovery or stock Recovery Mode is would help?
I have no idea that you can do so.
Seriously, you can’t load recovery mode by press and hold down Volume Up + Home + Power buttons at the same time?
that correct wont work so do i take the shop doing flash it?
Send back to Samsung Support then.
hi jayce : can i install DXKL3 from thailand for my sgs2?…. i’m from malaysia… no effect ka?
DXKL3 firmware is also Malaysia firmware.
No need, sham.
can u give the link to download DXKL3 @ DXKL1 firmware
It is at XDA website. If links cannot work, try SamMobile website.
JAYCE : WHY I CAN’T OPEN DXKL3 FIRMWARE AFTER DOWNLOAD… & THAT FILE IN tar. format.. how to extract that file? help me
Use 7-Zip to extract it.
hi jayce!
model: GT-I9100
android: 4.0.3
baseband version:I9100DXLP7
kernel version: 3.0.15-I9100DXLP7-CL233393 dpi@DELL166 #3
build number: IML74K.DXLP7
i had upgrade my i1900 to ICS 4.0.3 through kies..
so far i’m not satisfy with it, blackout when playing game,apps get jam, easily overheating..etc.
what should i do now..should i downgrade to 2.3.6 (my old version), or just wait for samsung to release a new stable version officially..
..fed up with my phone now…
Downgrade or wait… The decision is totally up to you.
I can’t connect my Galaxy S2 (GT-I9100) with Kies, so I’m thinking about upgrading my firmware to ICS with Odin.
Android: 2.3.6
Phone: XXKL1
I want to upgrade to ICS before rooting. Which ROM should I use from XDA?
Any ICS firmware that you prefer.
OK, I think I’ll flash the XXLPQ XEU firmware. Do I need to replace Gingerbread bootloader also? I don’t want to mess with bootloader stuff since that can hard brick the device.
No need. I am still using the old bootloader right now.
OK, thanks for the info. I will upgrade to ICS tomorrow.
As for rooting, which is better: to use CF-Root kernel or to flash an insecure root kernel and then flash back the stock kernel?
Or if there’s a way that doesn’t increase the binary counter and doesn’t show the yellow triangle at all, then I’d prefer that method (keeps warranty intact and no need for USB Jig).
Use CF-Root.
Yes, use Mobile Odin Pro.
OK so I flashed the ICS firmware I mentioned above and Odin said pass, the phone rebooted and now it’s stuck on the boot screen (the screen with the S animation and Samsung Galaxy SII at the bottom). I see you fast-forwarded in the video at that stage, so how long does that take or is this the bootloop?
OK, I booted into recovery and wiped all user data and the phone booted and the ICS firmware is installed.
Hi . Now i use ics official update 4.0.3 pda is xxlpq .
U give me the download link . But now when i use internet like fb or others my phn galaxy s2 bing too hot .
But when i use gingerbread 2.3.5 frome here u give this link xda . Then my phn not bing going hot .
But why now my phn going hot in camera or sim side . Too hot . Help . Me what m i doing now pls ?
Look like it is ICS firmware issue. Try to downgrade to Gingerbread then.
Do you have this issue too, Jayce?
No warm issue during normal usage. Only get warmer when play 3D games.
i need to know why i can not update my phone?
samsung galaxy s2
android version
baseband version
build number
How do you update it? Through Samsung Kies or Odin?
samsung kies
it come no update available why?
It mean that you are using latest firmware for your region then.
Hi jayce thanx …
I m using ics xxlpq …. But my phn bing warm when using internet why . Pls help me and
Give me some information what m i doing ….. Pls .
But when i use 2.3.5 my phn not warm .
This should be caused by ICS firmware. We can’t do much until Samsung fix it.
Hello Jayce… i had before 2.3.4 frimware and i haven’t take the offical update 4.0.1 ICS. I have update with Odin. i toke frimware on Poland my current frimware is Hungary. can you tell me i want to back my offical frimware i have offical frimware I want to ask you can I flash again.. makes any problem..
Thanks very much.
Use odin to restore ur official firmware and then use kies for updates from kies there wont be any priblem i done with mine many time
hey i have rooted my galaxy s2 it work fine, and install clockworkmod recovery it install successfully but when i open in recovery mode it stuck.. and keep rebooting always not open screen after galaxy s2 logo it restart again and again plz help i want my phone back as it is in box plz plzzzz plzzzz help
Which CF-Root and firmware version are you using now?
im not root with CF-root,, just install insecure kernel and clockworkmod and my firmware version is GT I9100 XWKF3
Sorry jamil, no idea about insecure kernel. Please consult insecure kernel guide owner for help.
plz help i dont want root anymore i want my phone back only can i install full firmware for my phone
Not sure it work or not. You can try to install official firmware with Odin. Hope it can solve your issue.
Hi Jamil,
This happens to me before. Can you go into download mode (volume down+home+power button)? If yes, then restore back the firmware using Odin, as per Jayce’s suggestion. That should restore your phone back to normal.
I’m not sure how you rooted your phone in the first place, but if you used the method here (CF-Root), CWM should be there by default, as well as clockworkmod recovery.
Best of luck with your phone bro.
thanks bro… and yeah i can go in download mode and i have rooted my phone with s2 root guide and install both insecure and secure kernel then after install clockworkmod recovery separately..
I have a S2 with a polish version of the ICS 4.0 firmware. I would like to update it to the Thai/SEAsia version of the firmware. How can I use Kies to select the firmware from another region? Do I need to use Odin and do I need to Root the device?
Thank you
Can’t use Samsung Kies. Use Odin. No need to root.
HI Jayce,
I downloaded the following firmware;
from the following site;
When I unpack the archive file there is only one tar file. If I upload this using Odin will it load all the necessary files to support the Thai locale ?
Hi Yoshi, I have no idea about this site. Please get it from XDA website instead. By the way, Thailand does not have official ICS firmware yet based on Samsung Kies.
hi, can i update my s2 to ics 4.0 firmware.
model gt-i9100
android version 2.3.6
baseband i9100xxki4
build gingerbread.xwkk2.
In Australia
Yes, peter. For I9100 only.
Hi, I upgraded my GT-I9100 to Android 4.03 a few days ago via Odin. I want to go back to the stock firmware but the link shown right at the top of this posting is dead. Any ideas please? The phone is showing baseband I9100XXLPQ. Was originally O2 (UK).
Hi Rob, you can try SamMobile –
Thanks very much, it worked with no problems!
hey im completly new to this could i have so help please. i have no idea what my stock os is? i went to the link and that scaired the shit out of me could you please help
Hi Jonathan, please consult your seller about stock firmware if you don’t know.
i put a ics on my phone and i managed that but i dont no where to start with the stock one. i can give u some infomation if that helps? i would like to go back to previous and wait for update to come?
Hi Jonathan, you can use Check Fus Downloader to find out your region stock firmware.
الموبايل لا يقلع
يقلع فقط على صورة فيها
شاشة كومبيوتر وموبايل
ويوجد ينهما اشارة تعجب
Mobile does not boot
Just give up the image of the
Computer screen and Mobile
There Anhma exclamation point
Hi jamal, which SGS2 model are you using?
model : gt-19100g
Look like you installed I9100 firmware on your I9100G. Shouldn’t do that. Try to install I9100G firmware if you can.
It’s a problem black screen
Jazz does not respond to anything
Please consult Samsung Support if you can’t install back I9100G firmware.
Hi Jayce! Currently i’m using the MIUI 1.11.25 (pretty old!). Now i want to try samsung’s official ics rom by downloading it from kies. when i bought the phone, it came with XWKE8 firmware (android 2.3). So will i have to download the xwke8 firmware, install it through odin, unroot my s2 and then install the official rom? while trying an ics custom rom after removing miui, will i have to do anything extra (since i’m on 2.3) while flashing the ics custom rom?
Just wipe data and cache in CWM. Then install ICS ROM.
thanks. that was a short but useful reply ! and best of wishes for a happy married life
jay jayceoi can you tell how to remove/delete galaxy root ??
Hi lian,
Hi Jayce,
My Mobile Details :
Model : SGS2 GT-I9100G
I ve Tried to Root My Phone it was succesful But now its not working.. It Stuck on Logo like Mobile and Computer and A small Yellow Triagle between
Now i cant even see my kernal version
Pls advice me wht shud i do to work my Mobile
Pls help me
Hi Farhad, which method did you use to root your I9100G? Look it you semi brick it already. Try to install stock I9100G firmware with Odin.
hey jayce,where can i download lpq ics kernel for gs2?because i flashed siyah kerneand i want to get stock kernel
Hi ronaldos12, please get it at XDA website (link in the article).
I have an unlocked S2 that I was attempting to upgrade the firmware to ICS via Kies on a PC. Everything looked good bu at around 85% progress in the installation or downloading process of the update, it froze.
Stuck on the ‘Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in kies & try again.’
I can’t get it to change from this screen and I can’t upgrade or reset the phone. I attempted the reset with the hold, vol. down & power buttons pressed but it brought me to the rooting option screen. I could choose to root or reset but resetting brought be back to the frozen screen I mentioned. I’ve restarted the phone (removing battery) and kies but nothing works.
Am I only left with trying to root the device or can I somehow manage to get back on the upgrade track (Which I prefer)?
Hi FCBarca, please consult Samsung Support since you fail to upgrade firmware through Samsung Kies.
Carrier won’t be of any help then?…And rooting/flashing with official Android OS?
Actually, I was able to reflash with a recovery/repair package via the xda site but it asks me for a PIN to unlock the SIM…Not sure how to approach this as it tells me I have 3 attempts left…I never had a code before
Sorry FCBarca, I don’t have locked SGS2. No idea at all.
my mobile version is….
Can i have an updated version of android to my phone…..plz……….
Hi dinesh, please use Samsung Kies to upgrade firmware. I am not sure you can use I9100 firmware on your I9100T or not.
hi jayce, i’ve been trying to do the firmware upgrade thing on my S2-GTI9100G (baseband version:I9100GDZKJ2) to the new KL3 version (using kies) but when it is at 100% (at the firmware upgrade progress), an error pops up :
“PC failed to recognise the mobile phone:
Please follow the guide shown below & try again:
1. Disconnect the mobile phone from the cable,
2. Press the power button
3. Make sure the mobile phone has been turned on completely
4. Reconnect the mobile phone to the cable & start the upgrade.”
so, what should i do?? i have read on some forums that the usb driver has to be manually installed?? but when i connect my phone to the pc, everything seems to work fine (btw my pc is running on windows 7-64 bit..i wonder if windows 7 is good with kies)?..any help??
Hi jessie, please consult Samsung Support sine you have problem using Samsung Kies.
Jayce.. any idea y my s2 keeps on pop out? erm.. is like i din touch the phone but the screen suddenly pop out..
Hmm… Might be application that you installed is causing this.
okay thx alot =)
Hello, I have a SGSII with Android Version 2.3.4, and the Baseband version is 19100XXKH3, Kernel Version is,0,5+ninpo@titan #20 and the Build Number is Lite’ning ROM v6.1 XXKH3. It’s a custom Flash ROM that i did with Odin, and i was wondering what version do i need to download to get 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade?
I don’t want to download/flash to the wrong Firmware, I live in Australia.
Hi Grim, install back stock Australia firmware. Or any ICS firmware that you prefer.
Thanks for the fast reply, how would i know what firmware is the Australian firmware?
~Also i was wondering, with this custom Lite’ening ROM flash i have, is it possible to Root it?
If i root it, with the custom firmware i have installed onto my phone, can i brick it?
Thanks Jayce,
Just search for ‘Australia’.
Lite’ening ROM already have root access. You don’t need to root it again.
hi. i need help. my galaxy s2 automatically updated to ics and when the upgrade was done. the google search is no longer working. everytime i try to search something it just goes black for some seconds and go back to the home page. how do i fix this? pls help me…
Hi Myr, not sure how to fix it too. You can try to factory reset your phone. If still cannot, please consult Samsung Support.
hi, i wanted to restore my filmware back to the original filmware but i’m not sure which filmware is it currently my baseband version is I9100XXKI4, once i return it to the original filmware will i be able to update it via kies? because currently it states that my device does not support updating via kies so how am i able to do tha? pls help me???
Sorry matt, I don’t know what is your original firmware too. Yes, using official firmware will able to get update from Samsung Kies. Install any official firmware will do.
hi thanks for the quick reply, so i must use odin to install the official firmware? whats is consider official firmware?
Yes. Official firmware is the firmware released by Samsung (not modified by others).
My Samsung Galaxy S2 from Vodafone Australia … My kernel version which version do I download.
Hi Dallas, what are you trying to do?
hey jayce, i upgraded my phone to stable wanamlite rom and it changed my baseband version from XWKL1 to XXLPW. i reverted back to stock firmware but still the baseband version remains XXLPW. please tell me how should i change to the original XWKL1 version.
Find XWKL1 modem. Then install it with Odin or CWM.
i dont know but all sites have removed files and i cant download it from anywhere!
hi~ i want to root my s2 after i update to ics4.0.3, but i cant find the kernel tat suit to my phone, DXLP9. can help me to get it?
Hi TIMOTHY, please refer to this guide.
hi jayce..i just to upgrade to ics my here in dubai.
what is the official firmware for my s2..still not receive any update ..
This is the latest firmware for your region. No ICS firmware yet.
i want to install ics 4.0.3 please help me
You can install other region ICS firmware if you want. Use Odin to install.
@jayce what region are compatible in dubai
Any other region I9100 firmware.
thx for hlping me getting back to my stock mod. Hav another question, say im running on d stock firmware of I9100XWKF1 can i manually update to d malaysian ics ver which is this I9100DXLP9 using odin? is it safe?
Yes Thivagar.
i need official kernel and firmware of galaxy s2
i9100 jpkg5
please provrde a valind link for that
multiupload links are just waste of time it doesnt work
please guide me to somewhere else
thanks in advance
Sorry kabeer, I don’t have other download link. Please Google for it. Else use other firmware.
anybody know which 1 ICS firmware that have Rosmary Font for SGS2? thanks…
Hello dear Jayce
I bough Samsung Galaxy SII (i1900) from Germany. but it does not have Persian/Farsi language, please tell a Farsi application.
thanks in Advance
Sorry mashal, I don’t understand. What do you want?
In my phone
Android version is 2.3.6
Baseband version is I9100XXKL1
Kernal version is se.infra@SEP-64#2
I’m in Maldives,can u say which Baseband is right to My Phone.
If so,plx give me a download link.
I want update to ICS.
Hi isse, you can try region ICS firmware. Or wait for official one for your region.
I plan to buy JIG for my Samsung galaxy note.But i cann’t find JIG for SGN.So i would like to known S2 JIG can use on SGN?PLease ,reply me…zin
Yes, USB jig is the same. But new bootloader on Samsung Galaxy S2, Galaxy Note and Galaxy Nexus disable the usage of USB Jig. So you can’t use it to clear the custom flash counter.
Thanks for u r reply.
hi, last month after upgrade ICS 4.0, i had rooted my s2. yesterday i receive a phone msg said tat hav a newer version, so i upgrade firmware by using kies. but after i finish upgrade, all my rooted apps (setCPU, super SU, autorun manager) cant use anymore. wat is happening? my phone is still consider root o not?
Nope, you need to re-root it again.
so now with this condition, my phone is consider unroot. if i send in samsung center for service, its still under warranty?
No, you need to restore back to stock firmware (remove all root software like SuperSU). And clear custom flash counter. Please refer to this guide.
no matching official firmware found coz latest upgrade firmware is DXLPB, previous is DXLP9. how?
As long as it is your region firmware, it is fine.
i had saw d video, its look like i need to backup my phone 1st before i stock firmware…. wat is tat usb jig for? i dun hav tat things, how?
To reset custom binary download counter. Get one.
where to get tat jig? buy tat jig use for 1 time…. got others way to stock firmware?
Please get it from eBay. Restore stock firmware does not need USB jig.
i have a galaxy s2 with Cf roots
Current firmware GB 2.3.3
I need to update to ics or Cyanogen mode
Pleae prefer a suitable one
my phone status :…
Galaxy s2 Chainrfire Root acces
I9100 xxkg1
build numbr gingerbread jpkg5
Hi kabeer, I don’t have top ICS or CM9 ROM list yet. You need to try them to find out yourself.
Thank you for your response Still i have a.dought According to my phone specs is der any particular version of roms.. Or which baseband should i choose
Thanks in advance
Sent from my android device.
You can try any I9100 ROM that you prefer.
But when i was cheking the internet for roms its showing
“make sure ur current fimware version should be below xxlph foe example it should be like xxlpb
i am totaly confused my firmware is jpkg5 2.3.3 xxkg1
Please consult them then.
hi jayce, after unroot, the custom binary download counter not reset back to 0, the warranty still count or not?
Still void.
i had plug in usb jig already, but still same, not reset back to 0. how?
Try this –
my galaxy s2 running on gb 2.3.3 xxkg1 fimware can i upgrade this to a xxlpb fimware
if its possible please hlp me with a valid tutorial
all i want to do is upgrde the Gb to ics or Cm9
My galaxy s2 is a middleeast version (ksa)
Hi kabeer, you can install any I9100 firmware on your SGS2 I9100. Please refer to the installation guide in the post.
Hello, I want to update from Gingerbread to ICS but Kies is not letting me do that. My s2 is PDA: XWKI4 and the CSC: CPW….I’ve downloaded the Kernel for XWKI4 but in, there is only firmware for CSC: TPH and it is unbranded. Do you think it is safe for me to just download that firmware and go ahead with flashing my device with Odin? Will it affect my device in anyway or is there another option for me to upgrade to ICS?
Thank you in advance
Never use firmware before, no idea.
Can you direct me to another website where I can download the correct firmware? I was directed to this site through the XDA link you pasted in your above post…also, if I do use a firmware for a slightly different CSC model but with the same PDA model then will it affect the performance of the phone or cause bugs?
Thank you.
Please get it at XDA website or SamMobile. CSC has nothing to do with performance or will not cause bugs.
can i flash this verson of android in india
i have samsung galaxy s2 GT I9100
Which version?
Hi Jaycee,
Just want to know the version of the firmware to download for my SGS2 phone.
Im from Philippines and my Baseband says “I9100DXKF1”.
I wanted to upgrade it to ICS.
Hi Erwin, DXLP7.
Hi jayce,
i have galaxy s2 with XWLP7…… ICS 4.0.3
flashed with cf-root kernel and cf-root has inbuilt root too…
now my question is…..
heard that samsung will release official update for jelly bean…..
and should i need to go back to stock kernel to update to jelly bean ….. if its so could u let me know the stock kernal which could be flashed via ODin…..
thanks in advance…..
Hi flixblixclix, just install new Jelly Bean firmware with Odin directly will do.
thanks jayce……
which s best…. stock ics or CM9 ICS…….. considering the performance and battery backup……
pls dont mind … pls answer from ur side…….
I don’t use CM9 on SGS2. No comment.
great….. thanks for ur reply….
Hello Jayce, I also have a question regarding my S2. Actually my original kernel versiion before was DXKI2. But After i upgraded it to ICS Kernel Ver. DXLP7, it looks fine but i trace that my Use packet data is not working. I don’t know if its because i choose the wrong Kernel Ver. because iam leave here in the Philippines. So decided to search along the net to restore my previous version of DXKI2. So unfortunately i could’nt download these file on these following link:
Firmware info
Date: 08/09/2011
Android 2.3.3
DXKI2 Stock Kernel:
Password: intratech@XDA
Do you have any alternate link on this? Its really hard for me to look on it. Or do you have an answer why my Pocket Data is not working so that i will not restore again to old original packed version of DXKI2. Hope to hear you soon! God Bless!
Pocket Data? Do you mean 3G data connection?
Yep. the 3G Data Connection. I don’t see any status that iam already connected to 3G after i enable the “Use packet data”.
Try this see.
How about the link:
Is there’s any link to download these files?
Nope. Try to google see.
Pls I have a Chinese version ø̶̷̩̥̊͡ƒ̶̷̩̥̊͡ the galaxy s2 @ND I dont speak Chinese ..pls how D̶̲̥̅̊ø̲̣ I change the language to English…….thanks…..
Hi flowkins, please consult Samsung Support for help. I am not familiar with Chinese version SGS2.
Hi Jayce,
Can you tell what will happen if I flash with different kernel in order to remove the yellow triangle ? My phone currently is with the latest official ICS 4.0.4 Baseband I9100XXLQ6 , Kernel Version 3.0.15-I9100XXLQ5, Build number IMM76D.XWLPM – there is no stock kernel for xxlq6 or xwlpm on xda page. If I flash with kernel XWLPD which is the latest and with correct CF-Root kernel, am I going to brake my phone or I will succeed with removing the yellow triangle? What do you think ?
BTW: I rooted with CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_LQ5-v5.6-CWM5 and it was success.
Hard to say. Better use USB Jig in this case. Easier.
I am not sure how to do it with USB jig, do you have instructions on that ? Or to get the risk and to try with the different kernel?
This one.
I dont have jig. I have order via ebay – I dont think I will wait 2 weeks for the delivery. I think will go with the different kernel
Does this firmware work on SGS3????
No, Dawood.
hi,i would like to ask something,which firmware should i download and what is the original firmware for samsung galaxy s2?i need help.
my baseband version is I9100DXKL1
Kernel version is
Hi swee koon, the original firmware is the stock firmware that you have when you first turn on it.
hi jayce
can you please post a link for stock ICS 4.0.3 baseband version DXLP7 – i bought mine from philippines..TIA
Hi janvince, download link is at XDA website.
i ma a software management student i need to get hand book of all samsung note book if possible please…
Hi babdi, please consult Samsung Support.
Hey jayce just wondering how i go about unrooting my gt-i9100 galaxy s2.
I rooted it the other day however don’t like it and want to go back to what firmware etc i was using previously before root but i don’t know what firmware i need nor which kernal to get. Im from Australia with a provider called Optus
CSC: I91000PSLP6
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi paris, you can use Check Fus Downloader to get it.
hi there how do i get my s2 back to original three uk firmware with the 3logo at start up? i have used odin to update it to 4.0.3 and now my screen keeps flashing and restarting
please could you show me the links to get it back to normal so i can update it with samsung kies thank you very much
Hi STUDYAN, you can use Check Fus Downloader. Then follow the installation guide in this post.
thank you very much i will try it
hello please can you help me to fix or to remove yellow triangle to my samsung s2. android version 4.0.3 kernel version 3.015-I9100XXLPQ-CL223505.. Please can you send me the procedure if how to download all the things that i need to use to remove the yellow triangle.. please i will wait for your response.
Hi alexander, please refer to this guide.
thank you for your reply. but which the correct cf root that i need to download?
Hi alexander, please read the guide carefully. Then you will know the answer.
Hi there, I tried downloaded the firmware but it says it has been removed?
Try other firmware then.
Hi Jayce, I updated my Samsung Galaxy SII with Samsung Kies, Now I have some problems which I cannot solve :
1. every touch makes an irritating noise, like krrrrk
2. scrolling makes an irritating noise which becomes louder the more you scroll, beep-beep-beep
3. swipe doesn’t work anymore
1 it is not possible to turn off the sounds
2 it is not possible to activate swipe
How do I solve these problems ?
Do I have to reset the firmware with Odin ?
Hi cootje, try factory reset. This usually solve most of the problems.
allready tried, didn’t solve the problems
Hi cootje, you need to consult Samsung Support in this case.
Just went to the Samsung Service Center (vodafone) ; first installed latest firmware via Odin, no succes for solving the problem. second tried factory reboot, no succes for solving the problem. checked water-damage : there was a signal just behind the opening for the adapter. So no guarantee anymore for me on my samsung.
What’s next ?
The problem came just after I upgrade the firmware. I would suggest setting it back to the original firmware might help. What do you think about that ? How can I find the original firmware ?
Try to find it at XDA Forum or SamMobile.
The link on XDA Forum is old; you have to redirect it to :
Found the original firmware on SamMobile :
Netherlands 2011 November 2.3.6 I9100XWKK2 I9100XENKJ1 Download
installed it with Odin
after starting up my sgs2, just an android icon showed up with some error messages saying my Samsung could not be installed correctly
So I tried to root my sgs2 with CF-Root
and installed it with Odin
result : my sgs2 is stonedead, starting up gives a yellow triangle and then it doesn’t startup
pressing : Volume Up / Down combined with power and home combined doesn’t work either.
HELP ME PLEASE getting out if this trouble
Hi cootje, can you still load recovery or Odin download mode?
What do you mean with load recovery or Odin download mode?
Do you mean pressing : Volume Up or Down combined with power and home combined ?
No this doesn’t work either.
I managed to start the phone in Load recovery mode. Could you please advise me what to do next ?
Factory reset in recovery mode. Then install firmware with Odin.
brilliant, I really appreciate your help !
But what firmware should I install ?
I tried “Netherlands 2011 November 2.3.6 I9100XWKK2 I9100XENKJ1” which I found on SamMobile, but the first time it didn’t work out well.
Should I try again or choose another ?
What do mean by ‘didn’t work out well’?
you are the greatest help ever. Everything is fine by now.
I retried 3 times to install the original firmware (android 2.3.6) and it has finished succesfully.
Many many many times : thank you !
hi jayce. I am using my SGS2 i9100. running on gb 2.3.5. firmware JPKJ2. I bought this in riyadh saudi arabia. and im residing in the philippines. now I wanted to upgrade it to ics. what is the best way in upgrading with the official firmware? using kies or odin?
Samsung Kies is the official way. Odin is the unofficial way.
this is awesome… (y)
but i am not able to download my firmware.. :/
how can i upgrade my s2 i9100 to 2.3.6??
Hi Abdul, you can try to download at SamMobile.
hello sir,i buy samsung s2 firmware version 2.3.3 baseband I9100XXKF1 kernel version root@DELL104#2 build gingerbread.JPKG2 sir i want to upgrade 4.0 ics how can i update,plz advise kies says it will not support to upgrade by kies.i want ics4.0 is it possible…………….
Hi ramesh, you can install ICS firmware manually with Odin.
Thanks for response,how can i update via odin.please can u tell me in details.n how i know model s2 is i9100 or i9100G.n when i update if any problem came then again i can reset in factory default setting or not?thanks
Hi ramesh, please refer to the installation guide. Check the model number. Depend on the problem occurs.
Sir,still i can,t find which model was suitable for my mobile version so plz can u decide for meplz give me link.
Hi ramesh, please take your time to study it well then. Don’t upgrade if you are not sure. Or consult Samsung Support for help.
How to skip the LNX website?Im getting troubles in this website!!!
Try to get from SamMobile if you still have trouble.
1,5 year ago i rooted my phone…
i have downloaded a new software and now its not rooted anymore
and i dont know how to root it again.
because the kernel version is 3.0.15-1056084
do u know how to root it again ???
Hi Deestertjes, you can try custom kernel like SiyahKernel.
Hi, How do I know which stock firmware I have to download for my Galaxy S2 from The Netherlands, Vodafone?
Try to get it at SamMobile.
i am having 2.3.6….!!! i was going 2 upgrade 2 ICS…!!
i did as per ur video….suddenly the main power went off…!!!
now when i switch on my SGS2….only the logo comes 1st then blank…!!!:'(
helpme pls…!!!
i begg u..!!
Hi Alan, try to install firmware again with Odin.
everytime i m getting a fail instead of pass…!!!
oh at last i did it…!!!
ur the man…!!!
thank u…!!
i heard jelly bean update for s2 is coming by march…!!
hope u do it too…!!!
Hello in your video you told to download the cf root , ok I found it for this , but i can’t find my stock kernel that we are going to use with ODIN
can you please help me ? regards
Hi fred, what are you trying to do?
I’m going to root my S2 , and normaly I’m going to have the yellow triangle no? so that’s why I’m going to follow you video ( how to remove the yellow triangle) where you show to download the cf root ( like in the root ) and the official stock kernel , so is this one that I don’t find out in the link to Xda you gave
can you help me to find it ? regards
You can use Triangle Away to do so too.
ok thanks for your help I will try this app , there’s somme where a video to how to use it ?
This one –
hi can i still continue to install when the Odin didn’t show any yellow color shown in the video when u connect your phone to the USB
I have s2 from australia
model GTI900T
Build number
I want to upgrade it to jelly been 4.1.2 am in Ghana pls help me
Hi kelvin, do you have Samsung Kies installed?
if i use wrong cf root and kernel to remove the yellow triangle
what will happen?
Worst case – soft brick.
what is the stock kernel for
thank u for ur reply
Sorry irfan, I have no idea too.
I have a Samsung GT-I9000M could you please provide a link for the firmware.
Hi Kirsty, you can get it from SamMobile.
Hi Jayce,
I got a Samsung S2 in China, how do I install firmware that is used in our region? Ask Samsung store directly and got reply its not possible.
Hi Ricky, you can install China firmware only.
I live in the UK and i have been looking for a link to get the firmware. but all the link i have been through none of them worked ,so can you help me by sending me a link that works or if you can send me it to the email plz because it is really hard to find it online .
Hi mohamed, you can try to get it from SamMobile.
i really need some help with my phone and i don’t know much about this kind of thing. the problem is, i can’t find the market/playstore in my phone and i can’t delete the applications that were previously installed e.g.fruitninja (i don’t originally owned the phone). i tried to restore factory settings but can’t cause there’s a password set by the previous owner so i tried the hard restore method but failed. what should i do?
these are the specs: SAMSUNG
Model Number: GT-I9100
Version: 4.1
Baseband Version: I9100XXKE4
Kernel Version: root@av… (i can’t view the rest)
It was made in vietnam it says at the back and i live here in the philippines.
Please.i would really appreciate your help.thank you.
Hi aria, ask the previous owner for password to factory reset.
is there another way? cause i can’t contact the previous owner
You can try factory reset in recovery (using phone buttons).
it doesn’t work with my phone.what should i do? and also, why can’t i find the phone’s market/playstore app?
You can try to reinstall stock firmware with Odin. But not sure it will work or not.
hm.can you give me a link about the instructions.thank you
aria, please refer to the installation guide in the post.
jayce can you help me plz for one firmware
Sorry Leee, what do you mean?
Hi there, Please help me!! I tried to flash my SGH-I727R Samsung S2 via Odin 3 v1.85 but I choose wrong file for PIT, so now my cellphone is completely dead and even doesn’t go to Download mode.
Hi Amin, please refer to Samsung Service Center. Can’t help much when Download mode is not able to load.
My mobile baseband is XXKF1 is there anyway I can update from gingerbread to ICS or jellybean?
Use custom ROM.
hi my mobile is a samsung galaxy s2 gt-19100 , i went to charge it the other day and all that comes up is the black screen with writing on then blank , i cant get to know what version i need i would be grateful of any help thanks ang xx
Try to download your country firmware at SamMobile then.
Hi…everyone! I have flashed new firmware with Odin and my previous baseband version was DXKF1 but now channged into Baseband version BPUL6…and occuring heating problem…how can I go back to my previous baseband version? anyone help me plz…what should I do now?
Install firmware with that baseband.