What is the point to upgrade to Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread without Google Talk v1.3 (AV calls enabled)? So here you are ~ the latest TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 build with Google Talk with video and voice chats. Hmm… I wonder how the video chat works on HTC HD2 without front camera. Let me know if you have tested it. By the way, this build is using latest Tytung R10 kernel.

Installation guide ~ How to Install CWM NAND Android on HTC HD2? (Video)
Download TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 v3.2.1 [Kernel: Tytung r10] NAND A2SD+ Zip ROM here.
Wanted to say that I’m really grateful for this website; it is absolutley fantastic and has give my HD2 new life. Many thanks for all that you do here – without a doubt the knowledge centre for applying a droid rom on the phone – so clear and precise. Great stuff…
Needddd Helppp Plzzzzz Make A Video On How To Properly Install This Oneee My Foneee Doesn’t Work And I Downloaded everything And Installed It But Im Getting System , META-INF , And Boot Instead Of .data And The Other File =[
Just copy the zip to SD card will do. No need to extract it. And ignore the .data folder step.
Jayce Helpppp !
this is what Im Getting, System , META-INF , And Boot pls what am i gonna do after this please help.
Copy the zip file to SD card without extract it.
Hi Jayce,
The link for this Rom broken… kindly assist..
Hi Jayce,
Got the link already.
Hi jayce…I found out after I install this T C M 2.3.4 I can’t install some game like angry birds, pinball deluxe and…did u have the same problem?
I have no problem to install Angry Bird Rio with version 3.2.1.
hi Jayce,
is the download link dead ??
Not Found
The requested URL /hd2/TyphooN_CM7_v3.2.1-MAGLDR.zip was not found on this server.
btw, Google Talk with video and voice chats works ?
I updated the download link. Google Talk does support it but I still did not test them yet.
does tat mean if i install again with this typhoon, my android on hd2 will be replaced and start all over again like a new android? or like watever apps in my phone now will be gone?
Yes, install new Android ROM will replace the existing one. All the applications and data will be done.
hi jayce
1 doubts
1- i am already in android 2.3.2 with radio version 2.12…as u said its better to change to 2.15..how can u change the radio version when android installled i tried but its asking for synchronisation…how can u sync?
i found the answer here
is this using the ClockWorkMod. or just Regular NAND
ClockworkMod Recovery
is there any version with only NAND. or no
Got one question, how can i instal androir 2.3.4 on my hd2, i got 2.2.1, and how can y instal cyanomodgen7, i did copy the zip file on my phone, i need just to extract it on the internal memory ? If you could explain me or write some steps on how to instal android 2.3.4, thank you for the time you spend on answer !
Just follow the installation guide here.
sorry, but i dont see any guide
Installation guide ~ How to Install NAND Android on HTC HD2 with ClockworkMod Recovery? (Video) – this one ?
got one more thing, i did look at the guide, but its for windows mobile, i mean from dual boting windows with android, but my its just android, dont have windows mobile, how could i instal android 2.3.4 without windows on it ?
who know, what program i need 2 use for sync on my pc from htc hd2 with android 2.2.1, because i can use only my sd card, tryed diferent versions of programs for sync, but no one workt, thx anyway… !
This guide does not care you have Windows Mobile or not. Just make sure that you have installed all the prerequisites will do.
hi jayce
by u r guide i installed android 2.3.4 with cwr with typhoon cm7…thanks for it ,..now the problem is as u said video recording/camcorder is working correctly…but for me it didnt..i have to force close…may i know where have i gone wrong?i don know where i went wrong ..i followed all procedure by u r tuorials..
another doubt i have backed up applications using titanium backup before installing 2.3.4 but i didnt know how to restore those after installing 2.3.4…do u know how to do it or can u send any link?
Hmm… I have no idea on your camcorder issue. Maybe you can ask ROM chef at XDA website.
As for restoring Titanium Backup, please refer to its guide – http://matrixrewriter.com/android/
2 vishnu – are you dual booting wm and android on the same time ?
to alex
no sir..just this android
I am trying to make different folders to sort and keep photos in . I have been able to create folder but cant figuer out how to sort picts to it . I have just had the phone a few days. Sure wish they would send a book with the phone can yoi help me?
I also am tryin to figure out hoe yo shut apps dpwn to conservr battery. Is there a simple way like the I phones
Hi Jayce, can you please tell me what is really latest Typhoon version for the HD2 and if posible provide the link.
Please refer to XDA website for the latest build. Link is in the post.
hi jayce
i have some battery drain issue in this build…i just don know whats the problem…can u help me please
I have battery drain issue sometimes too. Still troubleshooting it. Suspect application that I installed is causing it…
i think i found one solution…
u must select the power control widget n turnoff the display to dim….can u understand what i am trying to say?
i founf that makes the battery drain a little bit slower
Yup, turn off automatic brightness and reduce the screen brightness will help to improve battery life. But it is not so visible during outdoor…
i am a newbie, having htc hd2 with android 2.3.3 installed. i boot android from Win mode by hitting HERET. Could to guide how to get rid of dual booting and and to move to 2.3.4. Thanks
Please follow the installation guide in the post.
Hi Jayce, currently I’m running CynogenMod 7 Typhoon Nightly-Desire TyphoonN v3.2.1-MGLDR on my HD2.
When I try to upgrade to any later version I get error “NAND Kernel open fail” after the installation is completed. I get the same results from all download sources, MIUIANDROID (any version), different formatted SD cards and even if I do the downloads from my phone thru the Market CWM Rom Manager.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I almost forgot, I’ve tried MGLDR 111, 113 and two versions of CWM Recovery no difference.
Try to wipe data and cache before install new Android ROM. https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/04/20/how-to-wipe-data-cache-with-clockworkmod-recovery-on-htc-hd2/
Already try that, also did everything from scratch starting with task29.exe with the same problem.
What else man? help me out here brother!!!
Hmm… Do you have EXT3 partition on your SD card? And is the Android ROM installation completed?
Yes sir, mind you that this a TMobile US HD2.
Last night some thing new happend, a rom had backed up also gave error NAND KERNEL Open Filed.
Give something man!!!
Hmm… Try to use all the same software and version on this post. Make sure all the steps and stuffs are the same. So that we can narrow down the issue.
Ok Jayce I did what you suggested here, no change I still get NAND Kernel open fail.
What else can I try?
Thanks so much,
Try to revert back to stock Windows Mobile. https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/01/01/how-to-upgrade-htc-hd2-rom-through-sd-card-video/
This should be a fresh start. Then install everything again.
Sure Jayce thats what I did, in the following order:
1-Task 29
2-HSPL3 ~ SPL-2.08.HSPL
3-Radio that support 576 RAM – 2.15
4-DFT MAGLDR Bootloader -1.11 or Later
5-ClockworkMod Recovery – 1.0 or Later
6-Any MIUI or Typhoon upgrades.
The results……NAND Kernel open fail!!!
You will be the only that can save me, come on brother throw me a bone here!!!
Thanks man,
And also did try by reverting to the stock rom by running it from my sd card and renaming it: leoimg.nbh,
Let me know man!!!
@Nery Serrano: If you tried from stock WinMo and still not working, I am running out of idea. Sorry…
Thanks very much Jayce,
I’ll keep trying.
Jayce, I have already installed this ROM but i cant installed the large size applications like angry birds, RIO…etc. Can you please assist on this issue thanks.
Not enough disk space? Or other issue?
I click on the software to install, but nothing happen…the installation sign just gone off..
Do you manage to install other small size applications?
Yes, for applications less than 10MB, i managed to install it. Any idea whats the problem? Btw, I didnt creat ext3. I put my setting in such a way the installation of new applicaiton on external memory.
I am using ClockworkMod Recovery v1.3 with 150MB Partition (cache ya 44M). And having 500MB EXT3 partition on SD card. I don’t have this kind of issue. Which partition size are you using?
Where is the DAF.exe file?
This is ClockworkMod Recovery format – zip file. No DAF.exe.
I’m currently trying to install Clockwork Recovery mod for the second time, but at step 19 where i’d have to connect my phone with my pc. I choose the option Android Flasher Mode and it says ‘Wait USB’ and i connect my USB but it doesn’t connect. It keeps saying ‘Wait USB..’ instead of what it should be: ‘Wait USB..USB’ How can i fix this problem? I’m looking foward to your response!
Did you use a new PC to install CWM? Or same old PC that you install previously?
Yes i’m using a new pc
Make sure that you have Windows Mobile Device Center installed on Windows Vista / Windows 7 or ActiveSync installed on Windows XP.
I finally completed the installation of this ROM, but after booting up at the step where i’d have to touch the android logo, the phone doesn’t react to my finger touches, ik keep touching the screen but is doesn’t react. The hardbuttons actually do react. Can you help me with this problem?
Hmm… Your phone touch screen is not working? Try to install other Android ROM see.
How do I change change from MIUI to this particular ROM. Im scared that I might mess something up. Everything is loaded already on my phone. I just want to swap the ROMs.
And What do I do in the MAGLDR To Change it?
Your MIUI is using ClockworkMod Recovery to install, right? If yes, just wipe data and cache. Then install this new Android ROM.
What do I press in the MAGLDR.
There is twelve objects listed, can you tell me from there?
12 objects? What are those?
its listed like that . and i dont know what to press once ive entered
that part
Didn’t this guide – https://www.jayceooi.com/2011/04/20/how-to-wipe-data-cache-with-clockworkmod-recovery-on-htc-hd2/ tell you how?
ohhh! im sorry Jayce! haha thanx
Hey i have a problem, i followed all the instructions, but my fone just stays on the neon android sign, is it suppose to take a long time for 1st time boot?
Android OS first time boot up may take 10 to 20 minutes (but no longer than 30 minutes).
hi jayce i have in my hd2 android 2.3.4 is work ok by evry thing.. now i want to get android 2.3.5 so how can i update with out delet any thing? thanks man
Just install new ROM with CWM. Anyway, do a backup with CWM and Titanium Backup before upgrade. You can revert back if something wrong happen.
Hi Jayce,
I flashed my HTC HD2 with TyphooN CyanogenMod 7 v3.2.1 last nite.
And charged it to 100%.
But it hardly made any difference. I started using my Mobile on 8:30 AM.
I just used my phone to listen Music , Sync (only mail & contacts) , Contacts ,Whatapp (hardly few min ) and very few calls.
But @11:30AM my battery reached 40%.
Any specific settings I have to apply to save my battery..?
Don’t use 3G and use Wi-Fi instead. Or try the latest build at XDA. Latest build is always the best.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
I am not using 3G.
I am using Edge connection and Wifi.
I was searching for the latest build on CyanogenMod Website but couldn’t found it for HTC HD2.
Can you please share a link with me for the latest CyanogenMod ROM for HTC HD2..?
CyanogenMod team does not support Android on HTC HD2 officially. But you can get unofficial version like this TyphooN ROM at XDA (link in the post).
Ohh thanks again.
Surely I will search and get the latest ROM from xda.
1. Can you tell me what is the ideal time HTC HD2 should survive on battery…?
2. Best android ROM in terms of performance and battery for HTC HD2. Because my Market and some apps keep crashing “Force Close” in the current ROM.
1. Mine can last for 1 day on normal usage. Wi-Fi most of the time with 3G sometimes.
2. CM7 and MIUI. Wipe data and cache or change to latest ROM if you have issue with Android Market.
I installed the CyanogenMod/ Typhoon 3.7.1. I installed apps and it was working fine, now everytime I clik a app to open it always says example: Activity Market (in application market) is not responding. What could this be, every app says that. Should I reinstal this rom or is it a setting that I need to set for this to act right?
Thanks for your help
Look like ROM issue. Try latest or stable build see.
can you plz give me the link to check latest build for 2.3.7 for htc hd2
Please get it at XDA website (link in article).
Can you answer me with a new link of the rom? Not mult
iupload.. its down here.
And when i have the zip, can i install this rom with clockwork? I have already installed a adroid rom, but it crash many times. And a2sd dont work.
Soooo pleaseee, can you give me the link for the download? Not multiupload, btw, i cant find this rom on xda.
Sorry, I don’t have other link. Yes, install with CWM.
But Multiupload is down, so nobody cant download the rom..
Help please!!! I can’t get my ad recovery to load, it sas 1,3,3,,4,go,go,go, and it never goes any futher than that. Please help I can’t change Tom’s anymore. I am running the cm7 typhoon HTC hd2..
Hi Devon, what had you done until you got this issue?
I downloaded cm7 typhoon and installed it and, after I went to rom manager and it asked if I would like to flash to to the latest recovery I pressed ok and it flashed to, every since then my recovery will not load.
Don’t use ROM manager on HTC HD2. Reinstall CWM should solve your issue.
is this rom available in nand version where i just download it and flash it using usb flasher?
No, ADAM. Most of them are in CWM format.