HP iPAQ rz1710 Pocket PC is my personal digital assistant. It is my first PDA and I am still using it currently. It has been with me for 5 years. Woo… That’s a long year for a PDA. We have lot of interesting PDA phone / smart phone nowadays like the famous Apple iPhone, HTC Touch series, LG KM900, T-Mobile G1, BlackBerry Curve 8900 and more… Why I did not upgrade my humble HP iPAQ rz1710 Pocket PC to anyone of them? Hmm… It is still working (I changed the battery once). And I don’t have reason to replace it.

I use this PDA with my Sony Ericsson K510i phone. By replacing them into one is the only reason I have in order to upgrade. Too bad that I seldom use phone to call or SMS. And all these latest gadget is not cheap. They cost more than RM 2,000 at least. That’s another reason that holding me back.
How about you? Which phone / PDA are you using right now?