Samsung KIES is not the only way to get official Samsung Galaxy S III GT-I9300 firmware. You can use Check Fus Downloader to check for latest official Samsung Galaxy S3 firmware upgrade. And even download it and install with Odin manually later. Or you can find them at XDA Forum and SamMobile website too. With Samsung Galaxy S3 unlocked bootloader, you can try other region firmware too. For example, my Samsung Galaxy S3 is Malaysia unit and loaded with South East Asia firmware. I can install UK I9300 firmware on my Malaysia SGS3 since international SGS3 hardware is the same. So no need to wait on your region firmware for long time and try other region latest firmware first. Europe region always get the latest firmware first. And Malaysia will get it several months later…
UBALE6, XXALE8, XXALE9, XXALEF, ZSALED, BVALE4, XXALF2, XXALF6, XXBLFB, XXBLG6, XXBLG8 and XXBLH1 are the current official Samsung Galaxy S3 stock firmwares available to download at XDA Forum. And there are carrier branded Samsung Galaxy S3 firmware to download too. By the way, be sure to download your current official Samsung Galaxy S3 stock firmware and store locally. You might need it when need to send back for warranty claim. Oh, can’t wait for Android 4.1 / 5.0 Jelly Bean firmware to come…
Installation guide ~ How to install firmware on Samsung Galaxy S3 with Odin? (Video)
Download official Samsung Galaxy S3 firmware and stock kernel here, here or here.
Hey Jayce
I just sold off my S2 hoping to top up and buy the S3. Few questions:
1. What’s the hype about the pink ink spots issues in the S3 screen, does affect all of them?
2. Is the display inferior to S2 since its not amoled plus? Is the difference noticeably obvious?
3. Is the battery life noticeably better than S2?
4. Should I buy it? Or should I simply buy another S2
5. Any other significant observations u have about S3?
Thanks. Your response will determine my next decision
1. I believe most of the SGS3 will have pink tint screen. This is design issue.
2. 720p looks better. But you still can see PenTile effect if you look close enough.
3. Yes. Or slightly better.
4. Up to you.
5. SGS3 is the best Android phone out there now. But has it own weaknesses.
Hi Jayce,
If I wanted put a UK firmware on my phone, how can I tell which one to choose? There seem to be a few.
United Kingdom (O2) 4.0.4 I9300XXALE8 I9300O2UALE5
United Kingdom (H3G) 4.0.4 I9300XXALE8 I9300H3GALE4
United Kingdom 4.0.4 I9300XXALE8 I9300OXAALE8
The current PDA number on my phone is I9300XXALE8. Also, I don’t want to end up locking the phone to a UK carrier. Thanks
Personally, I will choose United Kingdom 4.0.4 I9300XXALE8 I9300OXAALE8.
i have rooted my samsung s3 with cmw 5.5 to unlock with my carrier..i got OTA update of 72.68 mb from samsung .bt when i tried to update it is what can i do nw to update it? can i again unroot it.buil version is I9300XXALF2
Hi manoj, OTA update won’t work on rooted SGS3. Use Samsung Kies to upgrade firmware.
Hi there Jayce,
My current S3 build number is I9300UBALF3. Based on the number, my firmware region is from Brazil. I would like to wait for my new firmware via OTA, so which software update region should i choose? Country Brazil or Malaysia, FYI i am living in Malaysia or it does matter. Thanks.
Hi Zee, no need to change firmware. Just wait for it.
hi, my s3 firmware says its from spain region but im using it in australia. So is it ok to flash it with australian firmware or do i have to use spain firmware? also if i want can i flash europe firmware because they seem to get the updates first? Also by flashing another region’s firmware wud be be impossible to use it in australia including 3G internet?
Thanks in advance
Hi tre, is your Spain SGS3 I9300 model? If yes, you should be able to install any region I9300 firmware on it.
Hi Jayce,
When trying to look up the latest firmware on sam mobile or xda, how do you find the right one? Does the ‘phone’ have to match the one you’re downloading. For example, do I have to get a firmware that has XXLE8 as the ‘phone’?
Hi kohum, as long as it is I9300 firmware, no matter which region or PHONE. You can install it on SGS3 I9300.
Thanks Jayce. That was very helpful. I flashed a UK firmware and everything went okay but after that I went into kies to check for any updates but kies says that updates are not supported for the device. Is this normal? Do I have to continue downloading the latest updates via sam mobile or check fus and not use kies?
Your current CSC might not match to your firmware. Try to change it see. Refer guide for S2 (can be used on S3).
Thanks Jayce. My current CSC is NZC and I don’t have other options. So looks like I don’t have Multi CSC packages. Is there a way to get this?
Hmm… The UK firmware that you install should have UK CSC included.
Ah … Sorry.. Since kies didn’t work I flashed the original firmware back on the phone. I’ll reinstall the UK firmware and then try the CSC options. Thanks.
Hi Jayce … Need Your Help. Im using xperia neo v . Im interested to use samusung s3 apps in my handset . Im using the latest ICS 4.0.4 in my handset. Can i hv some interesting s3 apps like stock camera, s-voice & etc application plz..
You can get more from XDA website.
Hi Jayce!
Fantastic website!
One question:
I’ve rooted my SGS3. And I’m worried that I wont get my hands on Jelly Bean at once it releases. Can I update my SGS3 to JB with KIES even though it’s rooted? And will I have to find a custom Jelly Bean ROM, or will KIES download the official one?
Sorry for the stupid questions. I just converted from iOS, hehe
Yes Christer. You still can receive official Jelly Bean firmware update even rooted. But only with Samsung Kies (OTA update won’t work).
Thats great news. Im very new to the whole Rooting concept.
Thanks for your quick and informative reply.
Keep up the good work. Will keep reading your site!
HI Jayce.
I have try to find a answer to my problem but i have not find. I will post some info here for you to help me.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S2
Model number: GT-I9100
Andriod Version: 4.0.3
BaseBand version: I9100BULP7
Karnel version: 3.0.15-I9100BULPD-CL672248 dpi@DELL177 #3
Build number: IML74k.BULPD
Country: United Lingdom
Can you help me to root this phone? If is possible to give me a link to all the programs i have to download.
Thx in advance and if my problem was posted before here then give me a link to that post. Have a nice day and well done you do a grate job out there.
Hi Mihai,
hey i was just wondering if it takes an unusually long time to update to the latest firmware on the s3 i got it to the screen where it shows a green android then it froze any suggestions to update the firmware successfully
Hi thomas, make sure that you install the correct firmware on correct SGS3 model.
Hello jayce,
I need stock firmware for s3 in singapore which firmware can i choose and i need stock kernel too thanks /1
Hi Sudharsan, please use Check Fus Downloader to check. The are several firmware for Singapore. I don’t know which one is yours. Kernel is included in firmware.
Hi Jayce
I amencountering an insufficient disk space problem on my sgs3 when trying to upgrade firmware, I cannot even restart on recovery mode because of the disk issue, this is a new 4ne with standard apps
How much free internal disk space does it have now?
Hi Jayce,
I see allot of the download choices for the firmware (4.0.4). My concern is, The choices showing for the UK are showing the carrier as unbranded. My carrier is 3 Mobile. How do I know which one is the right one to chose. Will the phone boot detect the right carrier based on the sim card. Will this infact unlock the phone.
Hi Darren, I wish that I can give the confirm answer but I can’t since I don’t have locked SGS3. Try to consult others with locked phone at XDA Forum.
Hi mate. Just installed 4.1.2 jellybean software via root box but its not what I want. How do go back to 4.04 firmware. Pleas if u could help me out it would be very much appreciated. Cheers.
Hi bob, factory reset in recovery. Then install Android 4.0.4 firmware.
Hi Jayce. I recently rooted my phone but it’s running slow so now i want to restore it back to original firmware. I forgot to write down my old system information so I have no idea what firmware to download. I live in Norway and I have a sgs3 gt i9300. I found a stock firmware for Greece for the sgs3 i9300 model. I want a European firmware because of the quick updates. Can i use this firmware? Can i use all firmwares as long as they belong to the i9300 model or do they have to match my country, baseband, PDA, CSC and all that?
Sorry for asking so many questions. Just want to make sure i don’t install the wrong firmware
Hi Tor, you can use any region I9300 firmware. But you need your original firmware for warranty claim.
Do i need the warranty? And if i do, how do i find my original firmware? (Sorry, I’m a completely noob at this)
Yes, if got hardware issue. Sorry, I have no idea what is your original firmware. You the one should know it. Else consult your seller.
Thanks Jayce! I’m going to remove the root now by using your guide about stock firmwares
I have no problems with the hardware so I don’t care about the warranty right now.
Hey jayce/anyone.
I have a GT19300T model of the galaxy s3 I am NOT rooted. However I used Odin and put the new leaked UK jelly bean firmware on my handset for GT19300 not GT19300T.(which has no made my phone think I am a GT19300 model) A lot of websites said there is no difference.wrong. cut to the chase. Do you know where I can get a stock current firmware for GT19300T for a Australian Vodafone handset so I can restore to stock? Sorry if I sound like a noob, I should have just waited for jelly bean to be released in Australia from my carrier.
Thanks in advance
hallo thanx a gr8 deal 4 all ur answers
the .tar (or .tar.md5) not part of the .zip Firmware
any advice on how to go about the upgrade for china users
Build number
Sorry gAB4, I have no idea. Please consult Samsung Support.
hi jaycee….i am in trouble…i wanna go bavck to stock rom….so i downloaded it from checkfus for india but odin shows error parameters incorrect….what shud i do?reply soon
Hi nainesh, are you using the correct stock firmware?
I am from india…and i want go back to my indian stock firmware….pls give me link to original firmware!!!
Hi Nainesh, can’t you find it from the links in the article?
I downloaded it from for india but it shows bad content
hi Jayce i am from bangladesh. i have samsung S3 for six months. many people said at gsmarena that they upgrade samsung s 3 to jelly bean from bangladesh through kies. i i could not because my kies doesnt say i need upgrade yet. even i have latest version of kies.
Hi salman, just wait for official release in this case. Else consult Samsung Bangladesh why you still don’t get the update.
Hi Jayce, i rooted my Samsung S3 and i want to unroot my device, do you know a site where i can download the stock firmware SGS3 for Philippines, other than sammobile (hotfile).
Hi Eric, you can use Check Fus Downloader to download the latest firmware for your region.
Hi Jacy!
I have purchased glaxy s3 couple of months before from Kuwait. I have downloaded kies on my pc (updated version). Now i m a updating firmwre. It stops working at 99%. I have tried many times but still not working. where is the problem. Maybe the problem is regarding region because i have downloaded with UK region. if yes then from where i can download kies for kuwait region. plx help!
Hi mahmood, disable firewall and antivirus software. Then try again.
hello Jayce.
I’m a new owner of a Samsung Galaxy S3 and I need your help.
If I connect my phone to Kies then the folowing text is displayed:
Then if I go to check the last software for the VDH models, on samsung firmware site, a new version (4.1.1) apears.
My question is why this update does not apear on my phone or on Kies?
I curently have the 4.0.4 firmware on my phone.
What I can do to get the JB update? If I must update via Odin, how do I know if I get the right firmware for my phone?
Thank you.
Hi bmd1986, is Samsung Kies showing that you are using the latest firmware?
I am experiencing the same problem. My SGS 3 requires me to update the software, i have tried using FOTA, but it needs more than a day to finish (argh!) But when i was almost there, unfortunately it stopped downloading. Then I did my effort to install via Kies, but the update does not appear on Kies. It shows my current firmware version: PDA:LJ1/PHONE:LI5/CSC:LJ1 (XSE).
Does it showing it is the latest firmware?
No idea.
It only shows >> Current Firmware Version: PDA:LJ1/PHONE:LI5/CSC:LJ1 (XSE)
I am wondering why Kies does not detect software update, while my phone requires so.
Try to update Samsung Kies to the latest version. Then try again.
I have. Still doesn’t work. :'(
I just checked. LJ1 is the latest firmware for Indonesia.
Oo. I see. That’s why Kies doesn’t detect software update required by the phone. So, I have to update via FOTA, willy nilly! Thank you so much for the infos…
Hi Jayle, Im form malaysia and i want to flash stock rom ics 4.0.4..which 1 is official stock rom..?
Hi mrTomatoMan, you can use Check Fus Downloader to find out.
already check with chek fus downloader..but i cant found ics 4.0.4 for it compatible to use with other country ofw?
Oh, the latest one is Jelly Bean already. Please get it from SamMobile then.
Hi Jayce
I am in the process of downloading Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean XXELK4 Firmware for Samsung Galaxy S3”.
XDA developers warn of the following:-
“TheThis firmware doesn’t contain any Modem so the Modem you are using before flashing this firmware will remain” To your knowledge, is this an issue?
Hi Trent, no an issue. Just it does not have a modem. So your existing modem will be used.
I need stock firmware for s3 metro pcs please.
Sorry ntvcuba, I have no idea too.
Hi Jaycee,
I have rooted my galaxy s3 but with CF-Root-SGS3-v6.4.tar instead of CF-SGS3-CWM-v5.5-v1.5.tar. My rooted phone have both SU and CWM. But the CWM said that i used a wrong file and some function are disabled. Looks like i need to root again.
Do i need to unroot the phone and then only root it with the right .tar file?
ROM Manager won’t work with CF-Root. Boot into CWM instead.
Hi Jaycee, thanks for the reply. Can I root it again without unroot?
Yes, root it again should be fine.
Hi jayce,
I tried rooting it twice but still the same. Perhaps I should unroot it first
hi admin baseband version is .xxelkc…..need stock kernal thanks ..plz give me the link
Hi pritam, try to find it at XDA Forum or SamMobile.
Hi Jayce. I have already changed my original kernel and rooted my SGS3 with Exynos Abuse. my baseband version is XXDLID and i want to restore the official firmware. I “unroot” my device and i try to update my phone ,but it says that my firmware is modified and does not allow me . Could you give me a hand with that?
Hi konstantinos, just install the firmware that you want with Odin directly.
thanks. Finally i installed the original firmware again.
Hi Jayce im from south africa and i rooted my galaxy s3 and installed a custom rom 4.2.1 i just wanted to know if i
can install a samsung official rom from united kingdom bt it says carrier unbranded will it pick up my network
Hi Nizaam, you can install any region I9300 firmware on your SGS3 I9300 model.
Hi I was just wondering if anyone could help me. I have a samsung galaxy s3 and just randomly the phone has started to do a random boot loop. I was able to get it into the safe boot and redo the factory reset by holding the volume up home and power button but that only stopped the problem for about a day and now the phones starting to boot loop once again every now and then the phone will completely boot up and stay booted for a few mins before it automatically shuts down and starts cycling again. Any idea as to what the problem is and how I can possibly fix it. I have the I747M varient of the s3
Hi Jaspreet, do you still face this issue after factory reset and without any apps installed?
It’s really weird actually. Yesterday my little brother figured out that by continually pressing the home key the phone stays on. I was able to get it into download mode and then using odin was able to install all the stock software. The phone was working perfectly fine and after 24 hours the phone started to do the exact same thing. The phone is entirely stock and has no apps on it.
Hmm… Better consult Samsung Support in this case. A clean factory reset SGS3 should not have issue at all.
It’s alright the phone screen is cracked so it’s considered out of warranty I guess its kind of a lost cause now. But thank-you for taking some time out of your schedule to try and help. Really appreciate it.
hi..i have s3 mobile i change firmware to custom firmware slimbean.4.2.2..but i dnt like can i return back to the orginal firmware..and were i can i buy mobile from kuwait.. i dnt knw region number…
Hi midhun, please refer to this guide.
Sorry, no idea on where to buy mobile at Kuwait.
soorry i mean were i can download…ok anyway thnkz for the fast rply ..i got it…
Hi Jayce,
Recent I just bought a S3 LTE export set, comes with 4.1.1 and Baseband Version –
i9305BUALI6 and Build number is JRO03C.I9305XXALI5.
I like to flash to singapore firmware for chinese language, is it possible? is the death screen for singapore firmware common???
so can a stock firmware flash to other country firmware is possible?
HI Kai, you can install any region I9305 firmware. So Singapore firmware should be yes.
No idea about death screen issue on Singapore firmware.
Can install I9305 firmware only. No I9300.
Hey Jayce i recently had my galaxy S3 SGH-I747 rooted and im trying to un root it but i cant find the firmware fo the us?? where so you suggest i get it i have used the “Fus” but it doesn’t have a downloadable version please help me…
Hi clay, try to get it from SamMobile.
hey i want to ask you something.
i have SGS3 with android 4.1.2 and its stuck too much my friend told me to install ics firmware so it will run smothly so i need your opinion should i install ics firmware on SGS3 for better performance or this jellybean is good for SGS3??
Hi Asif, both of them are good for me.
I have the s3 i747m model and I would like to know if I can use this software to restore just the modem or phone operations to the original factory settings or do I have to restore the hole thing ?
Hi Rob, you need to use i747m firmware to do so.
Thank you for the fast reply . So do I just load the modem file with odin3 and nothing else ? I all ready have the firmware and the latest odin3.
And Thanks again.
Modem only if you wish to flash model. Else whole firmware.
I have sgs3 of japan region with docomo i live in india..can i flash it with indian firmware..
i tried to do it with odin but it shows fail sometimes..and sometimes it stops like this
Enter CS for MD5..
Check MD5.. Do not unplug the cable..
Please wait..
I9300XXEMH4_I9300ODDEMI2_I9300DDEMG2_HOME.tar.md5 is valid.
Checking MD5 finished Sucessfully..
Leave CS..
Odin v.3 engine (ID:19)..
File analysis..
am in confusion..plz help me
Thanks in advance..:-)
Hi sunny, I don’t think that you can do that. Model is not the same.
I have a At&t Samsung Galaxy s3 I747 and wana upgrade to Jelly bean 4.2.2 but i dont see any firmware on your site for this variant
Hi Noey, try to get it from SamMobile.
I need a step by step guide on the process to do that because I am kinda new to this s3 modification thing?
Noey, please refer to the installation guide then.
hey…my samsung galaxy s3 is not starting up,i am not able do factory reset decided to restore firmware..but the thing is em confused how to download firmware from SamMobile..pls help me asap
Hi shreya, you can factory reset in recovery (using phone buttons).
I tried doing factory reset using phone buttons but still samsung galaxy s3 screen is splashing again and again
You need to download firmware from SamMobile then.
yeah i have already downloaded firmware for ma s3…but when try restoring through ODIN it says failed…and also in download mode says
and in the bottom it says downloading…do not turn off target..and nothing happens futher..pls help
shreya, are you using the correct firmware?
hmm.. i dunno i have downloaded from SamMobile.. i guess it stucks in Pit file…when i dont tick re-partion and its says partion failed if i tick re-partion n select Pit file..still its gives a error
Try to find firmware that does not have pit file.
okay! can u pls temme how to select correct firmware from
shreya, you need to know that. Or select the latest firmware for your country.
hey did u fix it..?
me also having the same pblm. i don no what to do..!
ic emmc
i downloaded other firmware but still ODIN says fail
Try your stock firmware then.
okay thank you
No problem.
Hey Jayce. There’s a lot of hype going around that downgrading from 4.3 to 4.1.2 etc will brick your phone. If you know anything about this it would help. That, and are there any real legit sites you know of that will unlock your phone for like 20-30 $? Any help would be deeply appreciated. Thanks
Why downgrade? Yes, I heard lot of issue by doing so.
Unlock SIM? You can do it yourself free.
hi, i am new to this, but i really dont understand how to install firmware on my galaxy s3 it had been rooted and i am wanting to unroot it, please help me
Hi Abbas, just follow the installation guide to do so. No need to unroot it.
hi i am very new to this.. i cant update my samsung s duo Gt S7562 with new firmfare downloaded from sammobile forum
Are you using the same model firmware?
I am using Samsung galaxy S3 GT-I9300, but i don’t know which firmware version I am using, now the system is not switching on, i even tried manual wipe/restore data from hard reset, thats also not working, please help me to install new firmware to my system.
Can you still able to load Odin Download mode?
I downloaded it in my pc. I am a bit confuse there are 2 options right? odin and samsung s3 firmware. Will I use both?
Yes to install firmware.
i could not download the stock firmware..please help!!
Which site did you try to download?
Sir i can’t find out the Oringinal Software for the Galaxy S3 GTI9300 In Pakistan Please help me to download this wait for your reply.
Also please response in my Email.
Hello Jayce, i heard the S3 is able to update to lolipop 5.1.1 how to do it
Mind to advise..tq
please send me a link on where can i download firmware GT-I9301I. thanks
Please download it at SamMobile.
Hi Jayce, How can i Reformat my S3 Neo with deleting/uninstalling/remove the cyanogenmod from it?
Hi Renz, what do you mean by reformat? Factory data reset?
hello mr.jayce ooi , i have an S3
model number: gt-I9300
i can’t find out its firmware , can you help me please?
hey mr jayce ooi my s3 wont turn on completely but can go to cwm recovery what should i do
If you don’t need data anymore, you can try to factory reset in CWM.
can you help me..
is your step can bring back the phone firmware?
model number: I9300T
can’t find its firmware..