XDA Developer, Chainfire is famous with his CF-Root Kernel for Samsung Galaxy S II and Samsung Galaxy Note. And he develops CF-Root for Samsung Galaxy S III as well. But CF-Root for Samsung Galaxy S3 is not a custom kernel anymore. Chainfire makes it simple by adding SuperSU, ClockworkMod (CWM) Recovery and CWM Manager Application only to CF-Root. This makes the whole CF-Root installation easier because you can install CF-Root on your Samsung Galaxy S3 no matter what kernel is being used. No more CF-Root for each kernel version. However, this makes some goodies like insecure adbd (ro.secure=0), custom boot scripts and custom boot animations are not supported. Not a big deal as I just want to have CWM and root access.

CF-Root for Samsung Galaxy S3 is designed for GT-I9300 and GT-I9300T model only. And will not work on other Samsung Galaxy S3 models. How to know which Samsung Galaxy S3 model that I have? Go to Settings – About device – Model number. You should see Model number as GT-I9300 like picture above. And be sure to get more information at XDA website.
Download CF-Root for Samsung Galaxy S3 here.