I bought Panasonic HDC-SD700 HD Camcorder during the last PIKOM PC Fair. Playing with it since then. However, I faced an issue ~ hard to get Panasonic VW-VBG260 battery at Penang. And the price is not cheap from RM 490 to RM 530. At the end, I got myself a compatible battery at RM 95.50 from eBay. Wow… That’s really cheap for a Panasonic VW-VBG260 battery. Here you are ~ iLion Panasonic VW-VBG260 Compatible Battery. Let’s see how it performs…

iLion Panasonic VW-VBG260 Compatible Battery Features
iLion Panasonic VW-VBG260 Compatible Battery is a (non-OEM) Panasonic VW-VBG260 rechargeable decoded battery pack with 7.4v 2600mAh capacity. It also comes with double IC circuit protection to prevent over heat and over charge. Since it is a decoded battery, it can display the remaining power on the camcorder screen. In addition, it can be charged with original charger. Note – you might not even power up camcorder with non-decoded battery. So be careful to choose compatible battery.

Performance Results

Wow… iLion Panasonic VW-VBG260 Compatible Battery can record 3 hours and 5 minutes 1080/50p video. Just a little bit shy from original Panasonic VW-VBG260 battery ~ 3 hours and 10 minutes maximum continuously recordable time on Panasonic HDC-SD700 HD Camcorder.
Yaya… It will be good if iLion Panasonic VW-VBG260 Compatible Battery really can perform like original Panasonic VW-VBG260 battery. Nope. It does not. The recordable time started to drop fast when reach 1 hour and 40 minutes. And even faster when below 50 minutes. In the end, the total continuously recordable time is 1 hour and 50 minutes. By the way, I ran 3 times of testing to confirm the data. Charging and discharging… This battery requires around 3 hours to fully charge (Original battery requires 4 hours and 40 minutes).
“What you pay is what you get…” Yes, I agree with this statement. Don’t expect to get 100% same battery life performance with 1/4 of the original battery price. iLion Panasonic VW-VBG260 Compatible Battery life performance is about the same as its smaller brother ~ original Panasonic VW-VBG130 but with VBG260 body. However, it is cheaper.
Do you know any Panasonic VW-VBG260 Compatible Battery that can perform like original one? Tell me…