I always want a better viewing angle LCD monitor like Dell UltraSharp 2408 WFP with pilot function. However, the VA (Vertical Alignment) panel which have very high input lag is not suitable for gaming (FPS) that I spend most of the time with my computer beside blogging. The wait is over, Dell comes out a new monitor that suite my need ~ Dell UltraSharp U2410 Monitor at a very attractive price (RM1599 @ US$450). Dell UltraSharp U2410 uses IPS (In Plane Switching) panel (not sure is H-IPS or not) and it should be faster than VA panel. Okay, let’s unpack it.

How much is the input lag for Dell UltraSharp U2410 Monitor? This is the common question that will asked by most of the gamer. No worry, there will be a review coming up soon.
…wow, congrats on ur new purchase
wei,u so rich oh! change a new one again..so how about ur Samsung one?
@hui ge: Hehe… I gave the Samsung T220 monitor to Ellen for office use.